National-COVID-Cohort-Collaborative / guide-to-n3c-v1

Research with the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C:
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"Chapter in Progress" call out #185

Closed wibeasley closed 4 months ago

wibeasley commented 4 months ago

@chrisroederucdenver, while you and @oneilsh are putting the final touches on the chapter, I'm going to add a callout like this to give you a little breathing room from readers. When you're happy with the finished product, I'll remove the call out.

:::{.callout-note} This material for this chapter is mostly complete,
and we're adding the final touches before officially publishing it.

In the meantime, please enjoy this pre-release version.
chrisroederucdenver commented 4 months ago

So glad to see this move along and to be a part of it. Up to now, i'd only heard about the book, and don't remember getting the link. Maybe I got the link and put off reading it thinking I'd wait until it was finished.

So I'm working through it now, and it's really useful. Thanks!