National-Clinical-Cohort-Collaborative / Data-Ingestion-and-Harmonization

Data Ingestion and Harmonization
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Workflow for de-identified data extracts #2

Open hsolbrig opened 4 years ago

hsolbrig commented 4 years ago

When it comes to data validation and code validation in particular, we would like to establish a workflow that allows "safe" extracts to be generated, verified and transferred to a non-secure environment.

We don't want to be developing validation tools in the neighborhood of identified data.

DaveraGabriel commented 4 years ago

@hsolbrig : in the review of NCATS cloud architecture supporting the DI&H workflow there are separate stores for incoming site payloads, the mapping / validation areas and a finalized versions of these payload for access by (exported to) the Analytics platform.

perhaps @rajuhemadri can verify that the established architecture addresses your concern

DaveraGabriel commented 4 years ago

This issue will be address at the end of the DI&H harmonization process - after the data payloads mapped to OMOP are merged to the terminal data store