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Display points on geolayers #105

Open peacog opened 1 year ago

peacog commented 1 year ago

Currently we can add POLYGON WKT data to the geometry field in geolayers and have the lines displayed on the map. We also need to be able to enter and displayed MULTIPOINT data.

Related to #96

peacog commented 1 year ago

Hi @LeScruf. We now have multipoint data showing on maps. Check it out on Abera on staging: Point shapes and colours can be changed if necessary.

FYI I imported the multipoint from from KML with this structure:

... rest of KML
... rest of KML
LeScruf commented 1 year ago

Hi @peacog - great that this is now working. Thank you. It would be good to upload an example with correct kml geometry for each layer - I will get onto that early this coming week I hope. It would also be helpful to review and agree the symbology with Edward - so that he is happy with is (symbols and colours for the points).