National-Forestry-Authority / farmers

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Farmer dashboard #82

Open peacog opened 2 years ago

peacog commented 2 years ago

Build farmer dashboard that summarises farmer data and allows a report to be printed.

Rashid to provide sketches.

The farmer overview, offer/license, sub areas etc pages use the farmer name from an url query parameter to load the farmer data. This is not ideal because it is possible to create two farmers with the same name. We should change these pages and all other farmer queries to use the farmer node id instead.

We need to move the maps out of the tabs.

ygoex commented 1 year ago

@ygoex to provide mockups to be reviewed by @Rashids2021.

ygoex commented 1 year ago

This dashboard is only for individual farmers. This should have a summary of the data/ key stats for the farmer: area planted, area allocated, percentage of area planted to area allocated and account section (amount due and payments made, this is still a WIP).

We don't need to create this dashboard on a different page/location.

We will need to review the layout of the current page.

ygoex commented 1 year ago

The design will need to wait until Gin theme is install and applied by @peacog.

LeScruf commented 1 year ago

@Rashids2021 @ygoex @peacog

The basic data fields for the dashboard will be as follows:

  1. Total area allocated
  2. Total area planted
  3. Total areas planted by different species (as many data points as there are species)
  4. Total area planted for all species combined
  5. Cumulative area planted
  6. Performance - total area planted vs benchmark (table 1 #163)
  7. Performance - total proportion of area planted vs benchmark (table 1 #163)
  8. Average stocking rate for each species
  9. Total volume for each species
  10. Volume for all species combined
  11. Average crop status for each species
  12. Average crop maintenance index for each species
  13. Average crop status of all species
  14. Average maintenance index of all species
  15. Average crop performance by species (the volume attained at year 'x' against the benchmark volume attained at year 'x')
  16. Average crop performance for all species (a combined average for all species performances)


Note: The calculations for 15 and 16 above are ostensibly straightforward based on the benchmark data set out in table 2 in #163 but because of data gaps (inventories will only happen every couple of years at best) this calculation at farmer level is likely not possible (without using extrapolation) but may be possible at CFR and above because the data points that exist can be combined and projected to compensate for missing data at individual farmer level. Regardless, this data will require careful thinking through. Points 15 and 16 should therefore be 'nice to haves' and not initially included in the dashboard.

What remains is to design a dashboard with some informatics that works at all 5 levels - I don't think this will be difficult.

peacog commented 1 year ago

Hi @LeScruf . This ticket is for the individual farmer page. I think your last comment belongs in Site dashboard #89