National-Forestry-Authority / farmers

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Enhancments to the Inventory section #88

Open peacog opened 2 years ago

peacog commented 2 years ago

The inventory section is intended to track the number of trees/ha, which can be translated into cubic meters of round wood, which can then be converted into expected timber volumes/pieces, values and CO2 emissions.

The system should be able to summarise the totality of the inventory data. Stocking can be specified in two ways:

  1. Inputting the stocking as the No. of trees/ha would require some form of sampling of plantations to derive the figure,
  2. Classifying the stocking into three classes a) High stocking (>700trees/ha) b) Moderate Stocking (between 699 to 400 trees/ha) c) Low Stocking (<400trees/ha) in this method we use the average stock for all plantations that fall in the same class.

When imputing the stocking, we consider the thinning regimes overtime, given the original spacing of trees when planting. This requires expert judgement by field staff, compared to carrying out an expensive inventory. However this method relies on unverified data and results in inaccurate data (i.e under estimated or overestimated stocking.

Inputs to TFMS 28Oct22.pdf

peacog commented 2 years ago

Hi @Rashids2021, @LeScruf

Can you clarify for is required here? Currently the inventory record handles Stocking rate in stems/ha and Stocking volume in m3/ha, which is method 1 from the description above. Do you want to keep that method or do you want to replace it with the second high/moderate/low classification? Would it make sense to allow both methods?