NationalGenomicsInfrastructure / piper

A genomics pipeline build on top of the GATK Queue framework
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Feature/multiple version support #80

Closed johandahlberg closed 8 years ago

johandahlberg commented 8 years ago

Ok - first of all. This is not as bad as it looks. Most of the changes are just files that have been moved around.

This introduces a number of changes to the way Piper is built. Most importantly it introduces the possibility to build a deployable zip file using:

sbt universal:packageBin

See for detailed instructions.

Another important change is that the git tags are now used for versioning - to to create a new version one should create a tag. Builds which are not created from a commit which is tagged and in a clean working directory will be marked according to: <base-tag>-<nbr of commits on top of tag>-<short sha-hash>.

Please not that the tests are not up and running again, but I'm saving that for a later PR to keep the size of this one manageable.

There is still some testing to be done on this - but I wanted some feedback none the less. Don't merge until I confirm all is :ok_hand:.

b97pla commented 8 years ago

Looks good to me, let me know when you are :ok_hand:

johandahlberg commented 8 years ago

I've updated to match your comments, and I've also tested on Uppmax. I've not run a full test - but I have confirmed everything starts and loads the correct config files, etc. So there is no reason not expect it shouldn't work.

This should be ready to merge now.

b97pla commented 8 years ago

Nice work, great functionality! :dancers: