NationalMuseumAustralia / Collection-API

The public web API of the National Museum of Australia
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Signup form for new API key #36

Closed staplegun closed 5 years ago

staplegun commented 6 years ago

Provide an online form to signup for a new API key. Provide name and email (to receive the API key and service notifications).

f27wood commented 6 years ago

See #61 for the form content.

staplegun commented 6 years ago

The signup form can also be used to get a forgotten API key. Kong refuses to create a new key if the custom ID (email address), so we just look up the old one and send that.

Need to add info about this on the form.

Conal-Tuohy commented 6 years ago

Need separate password-protected form for internal API key.

f27wood commented 6 years ago

The form seems to be working AOK for public and internal apart form the fact that if I apply for a key with the same email address, for the same API, I get a new key rather than the existing key. (not a show stopper).

Still to do - added as tasks for v1.0:

Thank you message for the publci API to be embedded within the nma website, or can this be a re-direct? i.e. the form is processed then the person is redirected to a URL I give you, so I can then create the thank you page in our website.

Thank you email to be reviewed and updated.

f27wood commented 6 years ago

I will move this to v1.0 as the tasks required to be completed for v0.1 have been.

Conal-Tuohy commented 6 years ago

Yes let's do a redirect; if you can give me the URL I will make the form redirect to it after submission.

Conal-Tuohy commented 5 years ago

<c:header name="location" value=""/>

f27wood commented 5 years ago

Completed, with one out-standing issues documented elsewhere, so closing this one.