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Add copyright restriction reason field #46

Closed staplegun closed 5 years ago

staplegun commented 6 years ago

From EMU AcsCCRestrictionReason field. Like rights, this should only be included when there is media attached - see #27.

staplegun commented 6 years ago

Initial idea: Add it to the P104_is_subject_to statement, similar to the role a party makes in production, except P104 is only allowed to point to an E30_Right, and we don't really want to pollute the rights with reasons.

So thinking of using P17_was_motivated_by ( ) which must be attached to an E7_Activity, e.g.:

<rdf:Description rdf:about="object/123456#">
        <crm:E30_Right rdf:about="">
            <rdf:value>All Rights Reserved</rdf:value>
            <rdfs:label>Restriction reason</rdfs:label>
                    <rdfs:label>Culturally Sensitive</rdfs:label>
                    <!-- AAT 300404457: purpose (information indicator) -->
                    <crm:P2_has_type rdf:resource="{$aat-ns}300404457" />
            <crm:P12_occurred_in_the_presence_of rdf:resource="object/123456#" />
staplegun commented 6 years ago

Revision (Conal): I think I'd want to model the restriction reason as a note attached to the instance of E30_Right (or as a component of it). That would mean (given that the AcsCCRestrictionReason could vary independently of the AcsCCStatus) that each object would have its own instance of E30_Right, which would in turn have to be attached to the CC licence itself.

I would say that the base licence (the CC licence or "All Rights Reserved" statement) would be a component (the main component, obviously) of that object-specific right, and that the restriction reason, and anything else, could similarly be components, or could be notes.

<rdf:Description rdf:about="object/123456#">
        <crm:E30_Right rdf:about="object/123456#rights">
                <crm:E30_Right rdf:about="">
                    <rdf:value>All Rights Reserved</rdf:value>
                <crm:E33_Linguistic_Object rdf:about="object/123456#restrictionReason">
                    <rdf:value>Culturally Sensitive</rdf:value>
                    <!-- AAT 300404457: purpose (information indicator) -->
                    <crm:P2_has_type rdf:resource="{$aat-ns}300404457" />
staplegun commented 6 years ago

The restriction reason has been implemented using crm:P104_is_subject_to/crm:P129i_is_subject_of/rdf:value.

The label (value) is searchable in the same rights field, e.g.

f27wood commented 6 years ago

Yes I can see where the rights reason is displaying, moving to done.