NationalSecurityAgency / ghidra

Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
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Undocumented Z80 machine code instructions are not decompiled #1335

Open jirkadanek opened 4 years ago

jirkadanek commented 4 years ago

When disassembling code that contains undocumented Z80 machine instructions, they are skipped by the disassembler. For example

They are documented in or

The FUSE ZX Spectrum emulator recognizes them just fine.


jirkadanek commented 4 years ago

Just out of curiosity, I've been adding to z80.slaspec, to see if I can add them. I'd have to check the emulator to be certain of the semantics, and I'd have to learn more of Sleigh, so I probably won't pursue this, at least not right now.

:LD A,"IYh"         is op0_8=0xfd & A; op0_8=0x7c {
    A = IY(1);

:INC "IXh"         is op0_8=0xdd; op0_8=0x24 {
    local ixh_temp:1 = IX(1);

    IX = ((IX >> 8) + 1) << 8 + IX & 0xff;
    additionFlags(ixh_temp, 1);

#TODO #DD #BC      CP   IXH

:INC "IYh"         is op0_8=0xfd; op0_8=0x24 {
    local iyh_temp:1 = IY(1);

    IY = ((IY >> 8) + 1) << 8 + IY & 0xff;
    additionFlags(iyh_temp, 1);

:DEC "IYh"         is op0_8=0xfd; op0_8=0x25 {
    local iyh_temp:1 = IY(1);

    IY = ((IY >> 8) - 1) << 8 + IY & 0xff;
    subtractionFlagsNoC(iyh_temp, 1);

There has to be some way to declare overlapping registers (IY and IYh), me thinks.

esaulenka commented 4 years ago

@jdanekrh, you can simply dublicate register definitions: extend define register offset=0x40 size=2 [ _ PC SP IX IY ]; with define register offset=0x46 size=1 [ IXL IXH IYL IYH ];

also, you can combine two instructions in one table:

ixh_iyh: IXH is op0_8=0xdd & IXH { export IXH; }
ixh_iyh: IYH is op0_8=0xfd & IYH { export IYH; }

:INC ixh_iyh is ixh_iyh; op0_8=0x24 {
   ixh_iyh = ixh_iyh + 1;
  # modify flags
:DEC ixh_iyh is ixh_iyh; op0_8=0x25 {
   ixh_iyh = ixh_iyh - 1;
  # modify flags

PS code above is not tested, sorry

jirkadanek commented 4 years ago

Thanks, I might try to fix it myself, after all.

@ryanmkurtz @esaulenka Is there existing test infrastructure in the project sources for disassemble/decompile functionality?

Currently, I have to 1) edit z80.slaspec, 2) recompile z80.slaspec, 3) restart ghidra 4) press d on a line I need to disassemble and see what happens.

I'd like to be able to instead write few JUnit tests and assert that a given machine code produces certain disassembly. Then I'd avoid restarting the full ghidra all the time.

Found, is that it?

esaulenka commented 4 years ago

I dont know, sorry. I wrote whole processor sleigh (and one half for another processor) without any tests. Of course, this way is full of pain..

ryanmkurtz commented 4 years ago

We recently released a processor test framework in 9.1. From the change history:

Sleigh. Added two new extension modules (SleighDevTools and GnuDisassembler) in support of processor module development. Added support for pcode junit tests which utilize emulation of cross-compiled C test code to verify sleigh pcode (i.e., instruction semantics). The SleighDevTools extension provides the pcode test C source and associated build scripts, as well as external disassembler support for aiding in the validation of disassembled instruction syntax. (GT-3067)

Any of the test.processors sub-directories in our source code should provide good examples.

esaulenka commented 4 years ago

Ryan, unfortunately I couldnt build DevTools on Windows. The problem also that I am not familiar enough with too complex Java projects... However, I never tried prebuild Ghidra 9.1.

You are right, it looks as a good tool and I should try to use it.

GhidorahRex commented 4 years ago

@esaulenka the pcodetest scripts in SleighDevTools are written in python and don't need to be built, but they do assume that you're working on linux.