NationalSecurityAgency / ghidra

Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
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Ghidra emulator stops working when stumbled upon LOCK instruction #6630

Open nogitsune-youkai opened 2 weeks ago

nogitsune-youkai commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug When emulating software which runs in VM, ghidra apparently can't emulate properly LOCK instruction. Is it a bug or i'm doing something wrong?

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Simply launch emulator and emulate program

Expected behavior LOCK instruction should be emulated without issues.

Environment (please complete the following information):

Additional context Full error log:

Sleigh userop 'LOCK' is not in the library ghidra.pcode.exec.ComposedPcodeUseropLibrary@21f3ab2b
ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutionException: Sleigh userop 'LOCK' is not in the library ghidra.pcode.exec.ComposedPcodeUseropLibrary@21f3ab2b
    at ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutor.step(
    at ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutor.finish(
    at ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutor.execute(
    at ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutor.execute(
    at ghidra.pcode.emu.DefaultPcodeThread.executeInstruction(
    at ghidra.pcode.emu.DefaultPcodeThread.stepInstruction(
    at ghidra.trace.model.time.schedule.Stepper$Enum$1.tick(
    at ghidra.trace.model.time.schedule.TickStep.execute(
    at ghidra.trace.model.time.schedule.Step.execute(
    at ghidra.trace.model.time.schedule.Sequence.execute(
    at ghidra.trace.model.time.schedule.TraceSchedule.finish(
    at ghidra.util.task.Task.monitoredRun(
    at ghidra.util.task.TaskRunner.lambda$startTaskThread$0(
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
    at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
    at java.base/
Caused by: ghidra.pcode.exec.SleighLinkException: Sleigh userop 'LOCK' is not in the library ghidra.pcode.exec.ComposedPcodeUseropLibrary@21f3ab2b
    at ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutor.onMissingUseropDef(
    at ghidra.pcode.emu.DefaultPcodeThread$PcodeThreadExecutor.onMissingUseropDef(
    at ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutor.executeCallother(
    at ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutor.stepOp(
    at ghidra.pcode.emu.DefaultPcodeThread$PcodeThreadExecutor.stepOp(
    at ghidra.pcode.exec.PcodeExecutor.step(
    ... 20 more
nsadeveloper789 commented 2 weeks ago

You'll need to define for the emulator what the LOCK pcode userop means. See That tutorial goes into quite a bit more than you need, but essentialy, create a custom userop library that defines LOCK, then use a script to install an emulator with that library into the UI.

nsadeveloper789 commented 2 weeks ago

Essentially, the same solution as found here, but for a different processor: It's very possible your definition is effectively a NOP.

nogitsune-youkai commented 2 weeks ago

Ok. Thank you, i'll look into it