NationalSecurityAgency / ghidra

Ghidra is a software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
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windows 32bit PE executable loses external refs from import table after default analysis #6636

Open nico-abram opened 2 weeks ago

nico-abram commented 2 weeks ago

A windows 32bit PE executable I tried running ghidra on loses external refs from import table after default analysis

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Import the attached (At the bottom) binary into ghidra (It's the crackme from )
  2. Open Ghidra CodeBrowser on it
  3. Reject the analysis, and don't run any analysis
  4. Examine the lstrcmpA import from kernel32.dll : imagen
                             *                POINTER to EXTERNAL FUNCTION                *
                             undefined lstrcmpA()
             undefined         AL:1           <RETURN>
                             695  lstrcmpA  <<not bound>>
        00405034 7c 52 00 00     addr       KERNEL32.DLL::lstrcmpA
  5. Run the default analysis
  6. Check the address from earlier (0x00405034) The external refs were lost: imagen imagen

I've narrowed down the offending analysis to this set: apply data archives, call fix-up installers, data reference and subroutine references Running them together results in the issue, disabling any of them stops it.

Expected behavior I would expect the default analysis settings to not break/corrupt the import tables.

Environment (please complete the following information):
