NativePHP / laravel

Laravel wrapper for the NativePHP framework
MIT License
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Project structure clarification #117

Closed DRSDavidSoft closed 5 months ago

DRSDavidSoft commented 1 year ago


So basically, this project has two components according to my understanding, and PHP is used in combination with Electron.js (or later Tauri), and the actual OS APIs are consumed by Electron in this alpha stage. PHP doesn't use FFI or some other technologies to communicate with the shell.

This gives me two questions:

  1. First, surely you can use this electron-plugin repo with other backend technologies than PHP, as long as they are able to make POST requests here?
  2. Wouldn't you prefer to implement FFI and/or COM objects in PHP to communicate with the OS, such as Windows? For example, PHP supports communication with WMI and the shell objects, which seems mightly more efficient than inter-process communication by the means of HTTP APIs.
mpociot commented 1 year ago

First, surely you can use this electron-plugin repo with other backend technologies than PHP, as long as they are able to make POST requests here?

That's correct. As of right now, the electron-plugin package simply provides a HTTP API that any technology can consume.

Wouldn't you prefer to implement FFI and/or COM objects in PHP to communicate with the OS, such as Windows? For example, PHP supports communication with WMI and the shell objects, which seems mightly more efficient than inter-process communication by the means of HTTP APIs.

I don't think that the overhead of a local HTTP API call is very noticeable. Do you mean that the PHP binary communicates directly with the electron binary in order to avoid the HTTP roundtrip?

osc2nuke commented 1 year ago


  1. Wouldn't you prefer to implement FFI and/or COM objects in PHP to communicate with the OS, such as Windows? For example, PHP supports communication with WMI and the shell objects, which seems mightly more efficient than inter-process communication by the means of HTTP APIs.

Unless i misunderstand your question, you can activate COM support in php.ini for Windows in: C:\your\Laravel\project\vendor\nativephp\php-bin\bin\win\x64\php.ini To make it work you have to add it manually (as it is missing in the list ): extension=com_dotnet

However the php_com_dotnet.dll is provided with NativePHP in the ext directory : C:\your\Laravel\project\vendor\nativephp\php-bin\bin\win\x64\ext\

PHP MANUAL : COM and .Net (Windows)

Then you can use as: $MyCOM = new \COM(); or $MyCOM = new \COM('APPLICATION STUFF HERE');

Regardless if i misunderstood the question or not, loading required extensions perhaps should/could be done in the #Customize php.ini

Perhaps with an Array E.g.:

    public function phpIni(): array
        return [
            'memory_limit' => '512M',
            'display_errors' => '1',
            'error_reporting' => 'E_ALL',
            'max_execution_time' => '0',
            'max_input_time' => '0',

            // Dynamically load alternative extensions
            'extensions' => ['gd','com_dotnet'], //Etc...

PS: i have no experience in how or what can do and what cannot do with the COM class. I came across this by accident, believing i could control VLC-player on my machine .... but it not works like that. (*crawling back humble to my cave)

DRSDavidSoft commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the in-depth explanation.

I was curious how specific shell commands were executed by NativePHP in Windows, for example moving a file to the Recycle Bin. It seems that the actual trashing of the files are done by Electron rather than PHP itself, so you are making a POST request using the Laravel "backend" to Electron which runs a local server, thus achieving what I called "inter-process" communication, i.e. between Electron and PHP. After Electron receives such requests, it actually performs system/shell commands.

What I meant by using FFI and/or COM/.NET extension was meant to be a replacement to this scenario that is used in NativePHP. So, instead of relying on Electron to achieve system commands, you'd do it natively in PHP by calling the appropriate system API calls through the DLLs provided in Windows. In other systems (i.e. Linux/macOS) something similar can also be implemented.

Now, in your answer, it's possible to still call system APIs through FFI and COM/.NET, yes, but the APIs provided by NativePHP still will be directed to Electron for processing, as I understand it.

@mpociot Great effort by the way, I'm following NativePHP's development with excitement 👍🏻

DRSDavidSoft commented 1 year ago

@osc2nuke Does it have to be VLC? I achieved something similar using MPC-HC's APIs. I believe VLC could do something similar.

osc2nuke commented 1 year ago

I have "learned" 'something .............. and i can elaborate on it in 'My experience in coding' ... short answer: Watch the video

You ABSOLYTELY do you DO. There is no limitation and nothing should hold you back. The ones creating the 'Engines' are the REAL Masters. We should salute them : Fh82IK0agAAmh44

osc2nuke commented 1 year ago

@osc2nuke Does it have to be VLC? I achieved something similar using MPC-HC's APIs. I believe VLC could do something similar.

I have no idea but the GUYS over at VLC provided us with:

The social aspect of these kind of services are: 63917022

Here i call them to HELP ME out:

    public function videoPlayer(Request $req){

        $video_id = $req->input('video_id');

        $video = DB::table('channels')->where('id', $video_id)->first();

        $client = new Client();
        $client->request('POST', '',[
            'auth' =>[null,'janice'],

        $client->request('POST', 'http://localhost:8080/requests/status.xml?command=in_play&input='.$video->url,[
            'auth' =>[null,'janice'],

        $channels = DB::table('channels')->where('slug', $video->slug)->get();

        $avatars = [];
        foreach($channels as $avatar){
           $avatars[$avatar->tvg_name] = \Avatar::create($avatar->tvg_name)->toBase64();
        return view('index', [
            'channels'=> $channels,
            'avatars' => $avatars,
            'group_title' => $video->slug

PS: "Janice" is my daughter: Watch the video