NativeScript / android

NativeScript for Android using v8
Apache License 2.0
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Don't commit libs in repo #1734

Open farfromrefug opened 1 year ago

farfromrefug commented 1 year ago

The github repo of the runtime is getting huge and thus hard to maintain. Even more if we think about releasing more flavors (wasm, Intl...) Maybe we could think about publishing the libs as github releases with tags instead. Then we would pull the correct one when installing the @nativescript/android. Or maybe even during prepare. Another benefit(?) would be a smaller npm package. All could be prepared/release through github action

rigor789 commented 1 year ago

related: also related specifically for ios - we have a Pod version (used in capacitor) that we can also start using for regular projects (not sure about the details, just mentioning)