NativeScript / android

NativeScript for Android using v8
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Nativescript 6x is failing/crashing while upgrading to android targetSdkVersion 31. #1761

Closed srikanthuppena98 closed 1 year ago

srikanthuppena98 commented 1 year ago

Hi I'm unable to upgrade my nativescript android from targetSdkVersion 29 to 31, app is crashing on the page where I use multipartUpload, I tried all possible solutions from online but none of them got worked.

Nativescript cli: 6.8.0, tns-core-modules: 6.5.20 tns-android: 6.5.3

I tried updating the nativescript-background-http to @nativescript/background-http: 6.0.0 then app is not crashing but there is different error "JS: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'NotificationConfig' of undefined"


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Please can anyone suggest a solution for this, it would really help me alot alot alot. THANKS

edusperoni commented 1 year ago

Adding some context: Nativescript 7 was released in August of 2020, almost 3 years ago. Android 12 (API 31) was released in October of 2021.

Many of the plugins you're using have had updates to work with latest Android versions on the last 3 years. Since your error is in the background upload plugin, the issue isn't even android runtime related.

I suggest updating your app's dependencies if you intend to keep up with latest Android and iOS OS versions

srikanthuppena98 commented 1 year ago

@edusperoni can you tell me which package I have to update to fix this "JS: ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'NotificationConfig' of undefined"

Is it possible to resolve the issue with the nativescript 6x version or I have to upgrade this to 7 or 8