NativeScript / docs-v8
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Example in docs does not recognize "" #79

Closed mannueru closed 2 years ago

mannueru commented 2 years ago

I'm starting with nativescript 8 but the documentation for version 8 is horrible, version 7 has much better documentation but they are not compatible in most cases.

The official documentation shows an example to extending the android application, but it does not show its imports:

class Application extends {
  public onCreate(): void {
    // At this point modules have already been initialized
    // Enter custom initialization code here

  public attachBaseContext(baseContext: android.content.Context) {
    // This code enables MultiDex support for the application (if needed)
    // androidx.multidex.MultiDex.install(this);

I couldn't get the "" class to be recognized, even after importing the following:

import { android } from '@nativescript/core/application';

Looking at the content of "@nativescript/core/application", I see that those properties do not exist and that for example the property "" was changed to "nativeApp".

I don't know if I'm importing the correct class or maybe I'm missing a type import or something like that, because in the NativeScript source codes they refer to "" without any import that refers to it.

I know I'm missing something, but seriously the official documentation for version 8 needs to be corrected or improved

rigor789 commented 2 years ago is the android native API

It doesn't need to be imported - it's defined during runtime.

If you are getting type errors, you likely need to install @nativescript/types to include the native android api types - but you can also just //@ts-ignore the line.

mannueru commented 2 years ago

thanks!!! I already understood the process