NativeScript / firebase

Modular Firebase 🔥 implementation for NativeScript. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.
Apache License 2.0
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[firebase 3.2.x] Android "default FirebaseApp is not initialized" #243

Open tommag21 opened 4 months ago

tommag21 commented 4 months ago

CLI: 8.6.5 @nativescript/core: 8.6.2 @nativescript/firebase-analytics: 3.2.2 @nativescript/firebase-core: 3.2.2 @nativescript/firebase-crashlytics: 3.2.2 @nativescript/firebase-messaging: 3.2.2

Were there any breaking changes in the latest versions of firebase-core analytics, crashlytics or messaging? After updating from version 3.1.3 to version 3.2.2 or 3.2.0, I get this error on Android devices: Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Default FirebaseApp is not initialized in this process com.myapp.myapp. Make sure to call FirebaseApp.initializeApp(Context) first.

My code, unchanged from the previous version. initializeApp() returns null and the next line throws the exception.

import { firebase } from "@nativescript/firebase-core";
import "@nativescript/firebase-analytics";
import "@nativescript/firebase-crashlytics";
import "@nativescript/firebase-messaging";

export async function initFirebase() {
    const app = await firebase().initializeApp();
    // app is null


Downgrading to version 3.1.3 all works fine.

kefahB commented 4 months ago


Downgrade the google firebase lib from the firebase-core/platforms/android/build.grale to 3.8 I think.