NativeScript / nativescript-angular

Integrating NativeScript with Angular
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] clearHistory: true with transition does not perform transition #449

Closed roblav96 closed 7 years ago

roblav96 commented 8 years ago


this._router.navigate(["/pin"], {
    transition: {
        name: "slideTop",
    clearHistory: true,

If I remove clearHistory: true then the transition works properly. No errors or anything reported to the console.


├── @angular/common@2.0.0-rc.6
├── @angular/compiler@2.0.0-rc.6
├── @angular/core@2.0.0-rc.6
├── @angular/forms@2.0.0-rc.6
├── @angular/http@2.0.0-rc.6
├── @angular/platform-browser@2.0.0-rc.6
├── @angular/platform-browser-dynamic@2.0.0-rc.6
├── @angular/platform-server@2.0.0-rc.6
├── @angular/router@3.0.0-rc.2
├── @ngrx/core@1.1.0
├── @ngrx/store@2.1.2
├── ansicolors@0.3.2
├── ansistyles@0.1.3
├── babel-traverse@6.15.0
├── babel-types@6.15.0
├── babylon@6.9.1
├── eventemitter3@2.0.0
├── lazy@1.0.11
├── lodash@4.15.0
├── lokijs@1.4.1
├── moment@2.15.0
├── nativescript-afnetworking@1.0.3
├── nativescript-angular@0.5.0
├── nativescript-checkbox@1.1.4
├── nativescript-dev-typescript@0.3.2
├── nativescript-fcuuid@1.0.2
├── nativescript-floatingactionbutton@2.2.4
├── nativescript-loading-indicator@2.1.0
├── nativescript-onesignal@1.0.4
├── nativescript-socketio@2.2.0
├── nativescript-tesseract-ios@1.0.8
├── reflect-metadata@0.1.8
├── rxjs@5.0.0-beta.11
├── tns-core-modules@2.2.1
├── typescript@1.8.10
└── zone.js@0.6.17
vakrilov commented 7 years ago

Transitions seem to be working properly with tns-core-modules@2.3.0