NativeScript / nativescript-app-sync

♻️ Update your app without going through the app store!
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Still in Pending? #44

Open nmandyam opened 4 years ago

nmandyam commented 4 years ago

I've deployed an app thru Play, now I've released a patch using nativescript-app-sync release android --d Production. I then successfully "patched" it to be mandatory. But the app's install metrics (nativescript-app-sync deployment history Production) continue to show 0% active, 6 Pending. The AppSync check in the app runs on resume, so I've caused that to happen on multiple devices, multiple times. The "pending" remains resolutely unchanged and I'm not getting the update on the devices. What am I doing wrong? And how can I figure out what's wrong here?

EddyVerbruggen commented 4 years ago

Does that metric change when you actually KILL the app and restart it?

nmandyam commented 4 years ago

I can't say exactly that it does, but the Pending count HAS been going up every so often, without reinstalls of the app. And I HAVE been killing the app and restarting it. I just haven't noticed the number being exactly lock-step with the number of times I've killed it.

nmandyam commented 4 years ago

We've done a few more installs and tests, but the update is not being delivered. The stats show Active 1 (100%), Pending 14 - the latter has risen, but we've not seen update delivery on any of our test devices. We're using Nativescript 6.1.2, testing on Android. Do let me know what else I could do to fix this. Thanks!

EddyVerbruggen commented 4 years ago

Can you tell me how (which tns command) you initially released your app to the Play Store? Did you fi. add the snapshot flag etc? Not saying that's the cause, but I need more info in order to do any meaningful investigation into your issue.

nmandyam commented 4 years ago

Sure, I understand, happy to provide whatever info helps. I built the APK using a tns build command: tns build android --release --keyStorePath <whatever> --keyStorePassword <whatever> --keyStoreAlias <whatever> --keyStoreAliasPassword <whatever>. I then uploaded the APK using the regular Google Play Developer Console. So no, I did not use the snapshot flag in building the APK.

nmandyam commented 4 years ago

Sorry to be so dense: am I missing something I should be doing, to make sure updates are delivered?The build command disables HMR by default, so that's not an issue either, from what I understand. What else can I try?

EddyVerbruggen commented 4 years ago

You’re not dense. I’m not capable of looking at it yet so can’t help yet.

nmandyam commented 4 years ago

One additional piece of info: I just deployed a DIFFERENT app using AppSync and that works perfectly. So it looks like this one app is misbehaving.

lehongwang commented 4 years ago

try rename your app project folder then add --mandatory to release update

manijak commented 4 years ago

I can confirm this issue as well. I made a new iOS release and pushed it to AppStore (ns 6.4.0). I then made a lot of cosmetic changes (scss & xml modificiations) and pushed out a AppSync update on the Production env.

I have a view in my app that shows versions and build numbers, I also show the latest "patch" version, being the AppSync Label value. When starting the app, the label is updated, it shows the latest update label (v10), so it appears that AppSync does log that the update has been fetched, but it does not apply any changes. No mater how many times I have restarted the app (close then open), nothing has changed.

Tonight, I see in the appsync-cli metrics that there are 45 pending updates and none Total, so from looking at the log, none of the updates are installed, but they are waiting to be...?

I thought that this might be because I didn't build the app with the --release flag first, so I tried that as well, and pushed a new update, still nothing. I decided to test on the iOS emulator, and there the update was applied! Also the logs confirmed that the update was fetched and that I'm running the latest version. Tested the same routine locally on a real device, and even if the log states the update has been applied, no changes are visible...

prestopasto commented 4 years ago

I believe I'm seeing the same issue here with an iOS app. Updates are pending, but never seem to be run. Like @manijak, my update is applied in the emulator, but not on a physical device.

anmaitrannguyen commented 4 years ago

Not sure if the 6.4.0 Metadata Filtering has issues with it. My AppSync has stopped working, keep saying pending after upgrade on 6.4.0.

ShobhitJain3040 commented 4 years ago

Any update on how I should fix it, as I am also having same problem. I have NativeScript 6.4.1 and update is working in simulator but not on real device

marcossan73 commented 2 years ago

did anyone manage to solve this problem?