NativeScript / nativescript-camera

NativeScript plugin to empower using device camera.
Apache License 2.0
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Feature request: Video recording #160

Open MaxiSonntag opened 5 years ago

MaxiSonntag commented 5 years ago

Hey there, as far as I can see this plugin only supports taking pictures, not videos. I know there are some community plugins to achieve this, however I always prefer using official plugins, as I can be sure they are well maintained.

Video recording is one very basic functionality of the device camera, therefore I think the official camera plugin should support this.

If there are any reasons against this please let me know, it just came to my mind comparing the official Flutter camera plugin with this one.

mkrul commented 5 years ago

I'd like to work on this feature if it hasn't been claimed yet.

mkrul commented 5 years ago

Still working on getting NativeScript and related dependencies set up. Been having problems with tns doctor complaining that adb from the Android SDK is not installed or is not configured properly, even though I have my PATH pointing to it.

EDIT: just got the green check from tns doctor that no issues were detected. Moving on...

VladimirAmiorkov commented 5 years ago

@mkrul Awesome, we are awaiting your contribution if you have any questions both regarding the nativescript-camera plugin or NativeScript in general we are here to assist you. Also can you share with us what solution of the above adb from the Android SDK is not installed or is not configured properly error was on your end, we are aways trying to improve our "Getting Started" experience and due to the fact that the "mobile development" environment setup as a general is a hard task evne outside NativeScript we would like to hear your feedback on this case.

mkrul commented 5 years ago

Hi @VladimirAmiorkov , thanks for following up. (It wound up being a PATH issue after all). Chock it up to lack of experience on my part; I'm sure a more experienced dev would've noticed this immediately. The Linux Setup guide says that the path needs to be export ANDROID_HOME="/usr/lib/android/sdk" but in my was installed as a hidden directory.

mkrul commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I'm going to have to put this one back on the shelf. I am lacking the free time to make any meaningful progress on this ticket :disappointed:. Someone else should take it.