NativeScript / nativescript-cli

Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps
Apache License 2.0
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[32bit win] fatal-error-deserialize-context-allocation-failed-process-out-of-memory #2960

Closed NickIliev closed 6 years ago

NickIliev commented 7 years ago

From @c350156378 on July 7, 2017 9:28

encounter this problem, what should i do

Copied from original issue: NativeScript/NativeScript#4529

petekanev commented 7 years ago

Hey @c350156378!

Sorry to hear that you're having troubles running your application. Could you please provide more context specific to your case?

Which versions of the CLI, and android runtime are you using? Do you have any nativescript plugins installed?

Would you mind sharing the entire build log?

What are the steps that we need to make to reproduce the bug locally?

Please fill out the corresponding issue next time you are submitting an issue/PR.

Thank you!

c350156378 commented 7 years ago

hi @Pip3r4o below is the info, not sure how to reproduce the bug, as i just follow the official guide。 Later i'll try on my Ubuntu. $ tns --version 3.1.2

my package.json { "description": "NativeScript Application", "license": "SEE LICENSE IN ", "readme": "NativeScript Application", "repository": "", "nativescript": { "id": "org.nativescript.HelloWorld", "tns-android": { "version": "3.1.1" } }, "dependencies": { "@angular/animations": "~4.1.0", "@angular/common": "~4.1.0", "@angular/compiler": "~4.1.0", "@angular/core": "~4.1.0", "@angular/forms": "~4.1.0", "@angular/http": "~4.1.0", "@angular/platform-browser": "~4.1.0", "@angular/router": "~4.1.0", "nativescript-angular": "~3.0.0", "nativescript-theme-core": "~1.0.2", "reflect-metadata": "~0.1.8", "rxjs": "~5.3.0", "tns-core-modules": "^3.1.0", "zone.js": "~0.8.2" }, "devDependencies": { "babel-traverse": "6.4.5", "babel-types": "6.4.5", "babylon": "6.4.5", "lazy": "1.0.11", "nativescript-dev-typescript": "^0.5.0", "typescript": "^2.4.1" } }

i use win7 32bit i follow the official installation:

$ tns doctor NOTE: You can develop for iOS only on Mac OS X systems. To be able to work with iOS devices and projects, you need Mac OS X Mavericks or later.

Your components are up-to-date.

No issues were detected.

and then follow the hello world guide

$ tns run android

Searching for devices...
iTunes is not installed. Install it on your system and run this command again.
Executing before-liveSync hook from E:\sae\tns\HelloWorld\hooks\before-liveSync\nativescript-angular-sync.js
Skipping prepare.
Successfully installed on device with identifier '38f70825'.
Successfully transferred all files.
Refreshing application...
Successfully synced application org.nativescript.HelloWorld on device 38f70825.
Executing before-watch hook from E:\sae\tns\HelloWorld\hooks\before-watch\nativescript-dev-typescript.js
Found peer TypeScript 2.4.1
07-08 09:21:27.720  9745  9760 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
FATAL ERROR: deserialize context Allocation failed - process out of memory

07-08 09:21:57.004 10821 10821 E KeepLiveService: KeepLiveService onCreate
07-08 09:21:57.042 10821 10821 E KeepLiveService: KeepLiveService onStartJob
07-08 09:21:57.056 10821 10821 E KeepLiveService: KeepLiveService onDestroy

sometimes only the FATAL ERROR info, no other error logs.

hope this help

attchment is the generated .apk file

Plamen5kov commented 7 years ago

You have .ts tiles in the assets folder, which means you interrupted CLI with ctrl +C while it was preparing or there was another failure which forcefully interrupted the project. Please try running the following commands and tell us if you encounter the same problem:

tns create MyApp
cd MyApp
tns run android

If you can provide us with the log, please do so.

c350156378 commented 7 years ago

`Project successfully created. Preparing project... Starting a Gradle Daemon, 1 incompatible Daemon could not be reused, use --statu s for details

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.


c350156378 commented 7 years ago

i change the to org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx512M and rerun and it works this time

c350156378 commented 7 years ago

it run on my android phone, but there is more log, please check.


Total time: 40.727 secs Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx512M Project successfully built. Installing... Successfully installed on device with identifier '38f70825'. Successfully transferred all files. Refreshing application... Successfully synced application org.nativescript.MyApp on device 38f70825. 07-15 17:30:13.207 14859 15305 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 07-15 17:30:13.214 14859 15306 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 07-15 17:30:13.214 14859 15305 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 07-15 17:30:15.335 14859 15306 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 07-15 17:30:17.624 15636 15680 I agoo.eoc: [ax]|[seq:reportMessages url [/A_R/23011413/130/Aj0ofroZZC8B90W6v1fW78R6ilpbUt-Uqh6f7wO05lj2?s=MDU1MDc3NjYxN25YSnRQR1p5UHl5V2lVTnNqWUJPRGZvSzJSMD0=&sv=0&ov=6.0.1&del_pack=com.autonavi.minimap&id=f__-orqk2OHkamca&&api_pro_agoo_lbpopen_618@0_MANUAL_EVENT_20170715&&WA3/efgAxAMDADHRDRlVywid&&00&&&pm=TGUgWDgyMA==&ec=14]] ChannelManager 07-15 17:32:43.746 17105 18821 W System.err: org.json.JSONException: Value [{"key":"from","value":"weibo","service":"com.igexin.sdk.PushService","type":"String"},{"key":"intent_come_from","value":"","service":"","type":"String"},{"key":"CAMERA_FROM","value":"weibo","service":"","type":"String"},{"key":"","value":"","service":"com.yx.service.ConnectionService","type":""},{"key":"from","value":"weibo","service":"","type":"String"}] of type org.json.JSONArray cannot be converted to JSONObject 07-15 17:32:43.755 17105 18821 W System.err: at org.json.JSON.typeMismatch( 07-15 17:32:43.755 17105 18821 W System.err: at org.json.JSONObject.( 07-15 17:32:43.755 17105 18821 W System.err: at org.json.JSONObject.( 07-15 17:33:33.962 14859 15230 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 07-15 17:33:33.963 14859 15230 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 07-15 17:33:33.969 14859 15305 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String org.json.JSONObject.getString(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference 07-15 17:33:39.138 15636 15681 I agoo.eoc: [b]|[seq:hisMessage url [/h/23011413/130/Aj0ofroZZC8B90W6v1fW78R6ilpbUt-Uqh6f7wO05lj2?s=MDU1MDc3NjgxOW1Ud0xDeHVyZU5JS202aXkrR3lsUUtjZGN5Yz0=&sv=0&ov=6.0.1&pm=TGUgWDgyMA==]] ChannelManager 07-15 17:34:06.279 15757 15757 E KeepLiveService: KeepLiveService onCreate 07-15 17:34:06.348 15757 15757 E KeepLiveService: KeepLiveService onStartJob 07-15 17:34:06.379 15757 15757 E KeepLiveService: KeepLiveService onDestroy

c350156378 commented 7 years ago

i try the below commands again and it fails... the same error as before. @Plamen5kov tns create HelloWorld --template nativescript-template-tutorial cd HelloWorld tns run Android

dtopuzov commented 7 years ago

Hi @c350156378

As I understand now you are able to build the app with those steps:

tns create HelloWorld --template nativescript-template-tutorial
cd HelloWorld
tns run Android

but it crash on when deployed on your phone, am I right?

Is it ok on Android emulators? If it fails on real device only - please specify the model and android version.

If app build successfully, but crashes on startup I think adb logs can help us, you can get them in this way:

Open separate console and execute this before running the app:

%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools\adb logcat -c

and execute this after app crash:

%ANDROID_HOME%\platform-tools\adb logcat
Plamen5kov commented 7 years ago

@c350156378 I agree with @dtopuzov, if the app now builds but it crashes at run time, please open a new issue following the steps that @dtopuzov described.

c350156378 commented 7 years ago

@dtopuzov @Plamen5kov i try on my new window 7 64bit computer, and it works this time. i get the spinned apple image.

Plamen5kov commented 7 years ago

@c350156378 did you find out what the exact problem was? As I saw it there was a build issue that got fixed when you have java more memory to work with and then a runtime issue, that you obviously fixed.

c350156378 commented 7 years ago

no. maybe the 32bit or my pc's configurations concerns? never encounter the memory issue on my win7 64bit with 6GM ram. and i follow the official tutorial, it works all fine this time.

Plamen5kov commented 7 years ago

@c350156378 maybe, as you say, the machine is the problem, but unfortunately, we don't have a running physical or virtual machine that runs tests on 32bit. Thanks for reporting this, and we'll see if we can run tests on a 32bit virtual machine. Your feedback was very helpful, thank you!

NickIliev commented 6 years ago

Closing due to inactivity