NativeScript / nativescript-cli

Command-line interface for building NativeScript apps
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tns run ios cannot start app on iPhone and does not sync changes #5160

Closed erkanarslan closed 9 months ago

erkanarslan commented 4 years ago

Environment Provide version numbers for the following components (information can be retrieved by running tns info in your project folder or by inspecting the package.json of the project):

Describe the bug tns run ios command can install, restart and sync the app on iOS emulator, but cannot on real iPhone device. I see that app is installed on the device. Consol log shows that Nativescript is trying to "Restarting the app" but it stays there. I have to manually tap the app icon to start the app. If I make changes on the code, changes aren't synced too. I see that webpack build is done but nothing else happens. It just stays there. I have to kill the command and rerun it every time I make a change.

To Reproduce Create a project. Connect iPhone. Run tns run ios. It shows "Restarting application on device 8ad303e2f6bf07f0329fb6a43329e99d14d98604..." at the end, but nothing happens.

Expected behavior It should restart the app and sync it.

rosen-vladimirov commented 4 years ago

Hey @erkanarslan , This issue may happen in cases where your Xcode is an older version that is unable to start application on the current iOS Device. For example in case your Xcode version is 10.x.x, but you are trying to deploy the application on device with iOS 13 version. Can you verify your Xcode is up-to-date? In case it is, can you try creating new iOS Application in it and try to deploy on the device directly through Xcode?

DanHef commented 4 years ago

I face the same issue for a while already and I have the newest Xcode version (11.3.1) with multiple iOS13 devices (same behavior for all). Running the app from XCode directly works fine (app opens) and running it from the tns CLI in the simulator it is also working. Only the case with a real device gets stuck in the restarting stage.

erkanarslan commented 4 years ago

After upgrading to Xcode 11, my problem is solved. But I won't close this issue because you are facing a problem.

DanHef commented 4 years ago

@erkanarslan which Xcode and iOS versions are you running? Maybe my iOS 13.3.1 is causing issues

erkanarslan commented 4 years ago

Xcode 11.2.1, iOS 13.3.1

DanHef commented 4 years ago

Changing Xcode versions does also not help. It is the same for my older projects as well as a new one I created yesterday. Anyone any idea how to solve this?

mikaelkalt commented 4 years ago

I have the exact same problem. Actually I've had it with an iPhone 8 and now since a have a new iPhone 11, I was hoping the problem would be solved... unfortunately not.

I have update everything to the latest versions. See tns info:

✔ Getting NativeScript components versions information... ✔ Component nativescript has 6.4.1 version and is up to date. ✔ Component tns-core-modules has 6.4.2 version and is up to date. ✔ Component tns-android has 6.4.1 version and is up to date. ✔ Component tns-ios has 6.4.2 version and is up to date.

tns doctor tells me everything is fine.

I am using XCode: 11.3.1 and running an iOS: 13.3.1 and I am developing on a macOS Catalina 10.15.3

My colleague working on the same project, using the same code base, doesn't have the problem. So it cannot really be related to the project setup... Could it be a setting on the phone? Or the operating system? I can run the app without problems directly from XCode.

I'd really appreciate any help because it's very frustrating to develop without live-sync. Please let me know if you need any additional information.

mikaelkalt commented 4 years ago

So actually I am pretty sure that it must be a phone setting since it works with an iPhone SE. And obviously I was using my backup to setup the new phone, so I have the same settings for sure.

farfromrefug commented 3 years ago

Need to bump that issue as i am facing that issue right now. Almost impossible to run an app on device. It runs "sometimes". XCode 12.2 Cli 7.0.11 Core: 7.0.13

I tried with multiple devices and i always have the same issue

jessorlisa commented 3 years ago

Same issue here, same versions. Running on any simulator works just fine, but running on a real device is almost impossible right now. Not sure when this started.

NathanaelA commented 3 years ago

Have you gone into XCode, then the devices menu and made sure that XCode has provisioned the device properly. After device OS upgrades you frequently have to re-provision the device for development.

farfromrefug commented 3 years ago

@NathanaelA it is not a setup issue It ils completly random. But mostly Nevers working

NathanaelA commented 3 years ago

@farfromrefug - I've seen this issue normally only after my test phones decided to do a OS upgrade, not in normal day to day usage. Which is why I asked to double check that. Normally if it is provisioned for older OS, NS will have issues deploying to the phone randomly/frequently.

The only other reason I have seen this is if you change your app name in the app's configuration file; then the built version in the platforms folder doesn't match what the CLI believes it is supposed to be and so it has issues starting it.

One thing you can try that almost always fixes "weird" issues; is nuking the app off the phone and deleting the platforms/ios folder. I've seen where HMR's files cause update issues, which is why I almost always run with --no-hmr.

farfromrefug commented 3 years ago

@NathanaelA done that many times. And I never use hmr. It is not a setup a current conf issue. I assure you it is an issue with the CLI. It feels like the restart message it sends is not handled on the device

NathanaelA commented 3 years ago

@farfromrefug - Has this been happening in multiple versions of the CLI; or just the latest?

farfromrefug commented 3 years ago

Yes I was on 10 when I think I started to see the issue. Upgraded yesterday to see if the issue would be fixed in 11.

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

I'm seeing the same issue with nativescript@6.5.0 Xcode11.2 iOS14.3

farfromrefug commented 3 years ago

@NathanaelA could we get some news on this. It seems like a really high priority issue. From that discussion i can see that a lot of people are facing this. For me it is a big deal right now. I am forced to test on device because my apps use bluetooth. And it is quite a nightmare right now.

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

We're using AR, so yeah we also need to be using a physical device.

NathanaelA commented 3 years ago

Can you do a tns run ios --log trace and send a log of the session including the first restart that fails.

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

Trying to get macOS version. Exec system_profiler SPSoftwareDataType -detailLevel mini stdout: Software:

System Software Overview:

  System Version: macOS 10.15.7 (19H15)
  Kernel Version: Darwin 19.6.0
  Time since boot: 8 days 20:54

stderr: macOS version based on system_profiler is 10.15. Looking for project in '/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel' Project directory is '/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel'. Loading extensions. System information: { "platform": "darwin", "shell": "/bin/zsh", "os": "Darwin APPLE_TEAM_ID 19.6.0 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Oct 29 22:56:45 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.2.2~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64\n", "procArch": "x64", "nodeVer": "12.16.1", "npmVer": "6.13.4", "nodeGypVer": null, "nativeScriptCliVersion": "6.5.0", "gitVer": "2.21.0 (Apple Git-122.2)", "dotNetVer": null, "javacVersion": "1.8.0_192", "javaVersion": "1.8.0_192", "javaPath": "/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_192.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java", "adbVer": "1.0.41", "androidInstalled": true, "monoVer": null, "gradleVer": null, "isAndroidSdkConfiguredCorrectly": true, "xcodeVer": "11.2.0", "xcodeprojLocation": "/usr/local/bin/xcodeproj", "itunesInstalled": true, "cocoaPodsVer": "1.8.4", "isCocoaPodsWorkingCorrectly": true, "isCocoaPodsUpdateRequired": false, "pythonInfo": { "isInstalled": true, "isSixPackageInstalled": true } } Current CLI version: 6.5.0 Project dir from hooksArgs is: undefined. Hooks directories: [ '/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/hooks' ] BeforeHookName for command resolveCommand is before-resolveCommand Project dir from hooksArgs is: undefined. Hooks directories: [ '/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/hooks' ] AfterHookName for command resolveCommand is after-resolveCommand Trying to handle SIGINT event. CLI overrides this behavior and does not allow handling SIGINT as this causes issues with Ctrl + C in terminal. The stackTrace of the location trying to handle SIGINT is: at process.on (/Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/nativescript/lib/nativescript-cli.js:24:28) at /Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/nativescript/node_modules/signal-exit/index.js:122:15 at Array.filter () at load (/Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/nativescript/node_modules/signal-exit/index.js:120:21) at module.exports (/Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/nativescript/node_modules/signal-exit/index.js:35:5) at Object. (/Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/nativescript/node_modules/proper-lockfile/lib/lockfile.js:296:1) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:901:14) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1044:19) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:77:18) at Object. (/Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/nativescript/node_modules/proper-lockfile/index.js:3:18) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1158:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1178:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:1002:32) spawn: /Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/bin/node "/Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/nativescript/lib/detached-processes/cleanup-process.js" "/Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/lib/node_modules/nativescript/lib/bootstrap.js" Shasum of file /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/package.json is 38de29d5efd0f325067aff6f8742081e288a849e Got cached result for shouldMigrate for platform: iOS Project dir from hooksArgs is: /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel. Hooks directories: [ '/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/hooks' ] BeforeHookName for command checkEnvironment is before-checkEnvironment Initializing analytics statuses. Analytics statuses: { TrackFeatureUsage: 'disabled', TrackExceptions: 'disabled' } getInfos cacheConfig options: { forceCheck: undefined } current info from cache: [ { message: 'Xcode is installed and is configured properly.', platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' }, { message: 'xcodeproj is installed and is configured properly.', platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' }, { message: 'CocoaPods are installed.', platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' }, { message: 'CocoaPods update is not required.', platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' }, { message: 'CocoaPods are configured properly.', platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' }, { message: 'Your current CocoaPods version is newer than 1.0.0.', platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' }, { message: 'Python installed and configured correctly.', platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' }, { message: "The Python 'six' package is found.", platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' }, { message: 'Xcode version 11.2.0 satisfies minimum required version 10.', platforms: [ 'iOS' ], type: 'info' } ] Xcode is installed and is configured properly. xcodeproj is installed and is configured properly. CocoaPods are installed. CocoaPods update is not required. CocoaPods are configured properly. Your current CocoaPods version is newer than 1.0.0. Python installed and configured correctly. The Python 'six' package is found. Xcode version 11.2.0 satisfies minimum required version 10. Project dir from hooksArgs is: /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel. Hooks directories: [ '/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/hooks' ] AfterHookName for command checkEnvironment is after-checkEnvironment Validate options for platform: iOS Searching for devices... startLookingForDevices; platform is iOS Options for ios-device-discovery { platform: 'iOS', shouldReturnImmediateResult: false, emulator: false, fullDiscovery: undefined } Starting to look for iOS devices. Found device with identifier 'MY_IOS_IDENTIFIER_ID' startLookingForDevices; platform is iOS Options for ios-device-discovery { platform: 'iOS', shouldReturnImmediateResult: false, emulator: false, fullDiscovery: undefined } Project dir from hooksArgs is: /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel. Hooks directories: [ '/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/hooks' ] BeforeHookName for command prepare is before-prepare Executing before-prepare hook at location /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/hooks/before-prepare/nativescript-plugin-firebase.js in-process Validating before-prepare arguments. Hook promises to signal completion Hook completed Preparing project... Project dir from hooksArgs is: /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel. Hooks directories: [ '/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/hooks' ] BeforeHookName for command watch is before-watch spawn: /Users/felipe/.nvm/versions/node/v12.16.1/bin/node "--max_old_space_size=4096" "--preserve-symlinks" "/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js" "--config=/Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/webpack.config.js" "--env.hmr" "--env.ios" "--env.appPath=app" "--env.appResourcesPath=app/App_Resources" "--env.verbose" "--env.sourceMap" "--watch" clean-webpack-plugin: /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/platforms/ios/nativescriptxactremodel/app/*/ has been removed. File change detected. Starting incremental webpack compilation... Message from webpack File change detected. Starting incremental webpack compilation...

webpack is watching the files…

ℹ 「atl」: Using typescript@3.5.3 from typescript ℹ 「atl」: Using tsconfig.json from /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/apps/nativescript-xactremodel/tsconfig.json Hash: 02b68ad99ca0aae93a07 Version: webpack 4.27.1 Time: 33003ms Built at: 12/08/2020 9:57:02 AM Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names 0.js 4.52 KiB 0 [emitted]
4bffcf4248a575073d72.worker.js 2.54 MiB [emitted]
6f3fd37a1f02360d9cde.worker.js 2.54 MiB [emitted]
__worker-chunks.json 467 bytes [emitted]
assets/fontawesome.min.css 57.4 KiB [emitted]
assets/i18n/en-CA.json 23.8 KiB [emitted]
assets/i18n/en-US.json 23.8 KiB [emitted]
assets/i18n/fr-CA.json 27.1 KiB [emitted]
bundle.js 3.64 MiB bundle [emitted] bundle d6afcbd1beacb63e28bc.worker.js 5.3 MiB [emitted]
fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf 258 KiB [emitted]
fonts/fa-solid-900.ttf 219 KiB [emitted]
fonts/xactremodel-icons.ttf 8.42 KiB [emitted]
package.json 112 bytes [emitted]
runtime.js 73 KiB runtime [emitted] runtime tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules.js 664 bytes tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules [emitted] tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules vendor.js 21.6 MiB vendor [emitted] vendor Entrypoint bundle = runtime.js vendor.js bundle.js Entrypoint tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules = runtime.js vendor.js tns_modules/tns-core-modules/inspector_modules.js [../../../xplat/nativescript/core/index.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/core/index.ts 252 bytes {bundle} [built] [../../../xplat/nativescript/features/init-dropdown-material.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/features/init-dropdown-material.ts 308 bytes {bundle} [built] [../../../xplat/nativescript/features/init-fab.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/features/init-fab.ts 214 bytes {bundle} [built] [../../../xplat/nativescript/features/init-nativescript-carousel.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/features/init-nativescript-carousel.ts 326 bytes {bundle} [built] [../../../xplat/nativescript/features/init-pdf-view.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/features/init-pdf-view.ts 205 bytes {bundle} [built] [../../../xplat/nativescript/features/init-previous-next-view.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/features/init-previous-next-view.ts 224 bytes {bundle} [built] [../../../xplat/nativescript/features/init-text-field-material.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/features/init-text-field-material.ts 287 bytes {bundle} [built] [../../../xplat/nativescript/features/init-text-view-material.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/features/init-text-view-material.ts 282 bytes {bundle} [built] [../../../xplat/nativescript/index.ts] /Users/felipe/Documents/XactRemodel/frontend/xplat/nativescript/index.ts 77 bytes {bundle} [built] [./app.component.ts] 6.65 KiB {bundle} [built] [./app.module.ts] 2.77 KiB {bundle} [built] [./app.routing.ts] 1.65 KiB {bundle} [built] [./livesync-navigation.ts] 1.96 KiB {bundle} [built] [./main.common.ts] 1.26 KiB {bundle} [built] [./main.ts] 2.25 KiB {bundle} [built]

NathanaelA commented 3 years ago

Restarting application on device MY_IOS_IDENTIFIER_ID... Printing device log for device with identifier: MY_IOS_IDENTIFIER_ID. Stopping application com.xactware.remodel on device with identifier: MY_IOS_IDENTIFIER_ID.

A few questions:

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

Sorry I forgot to reply:

1) It fails even the first time, and yes this was the first time 2) That is the Bundle identifier inside xcode. Build is a number (2100010100) 3) I looked at them, but I didn't find anything useful.

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

default 10:55:31.729969-0700 runningboardd Received termination request from [daemon:166] on <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessBundleIdentifierPredicate "com.xactware.remodel">> with context <RBSTerminateContext| code:0xDEAD6502 explanation:FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion reportType:None maxTerminationResistance:Interactive attrs:[ <RBSPreventLaunchLimitation| <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessBundleIdentifierPredicate "com.xactware.remodel">>> ]> default 10:55:31.735573-0700 runningboardd skipping plugin hold for uninstalled proxy com.xactware.remodel default 10:55:31.735632-0700 runningboardd Acquiring assertion targeting system from originator [daemon:166] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "FBSApplicationTerminationAssertion" ID:32-166-7673 target:system attributes:[ <RBSPreventLaunchLimitation| <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessBundleIdentifierPredicate "com.xactware.remodel">>> ]> default 10:55:31.736464-0700 runningboardd Executing termination request for: <RBSProcessPredicate <RBSProcessBundleIdentifierPredicate "com.xactware.remodel">> default 10:55:31.738404-0700 SpringBoard termination assertion efficacy for com.xactware.remodel (app not found) changed to 3 default 10:55:31.757278-0700 installd 0x16f837000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Installing default 10:55:31.757426-0700 installd com.xactware.remodel:7:5:1:1:Start : Install (New) default 10:55:32.605840-0700 installd 0x16f837000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:waitForDeletion:withError:]: Made container live for com.xactware.remodel at /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/F680E132-6B81-443F-B3C8-B88986B9AE57 default 10:55:32.610768-0700 installd 0x16f837000 -[MIContainer makeContainerLiveReplacingContainer:reason:waitForDeletion:withError:]: Made container live for com.xactware.remodel at /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033 default 10:55:32.698529-0700 installd com.xactware.remodel:7:5:2:1:Success (End) : Install (New) default 10:55:32.698577-0700 installd 0x16f837000 -[MIInstaller performInstallationWithError:]: Install Successful for (Developer:com.xactware.remodel); Staging: 0.08s; Waiting: 0.00s; Preflight/Patch: 0.21s, Verifying: 0.61s; Overall: 1.06s default 10:55:32.702246-0700 SpringBoard termination assertion efficacy for com.xactware.remodel (app not found) changed to 0 default 10:55:32.703201-0700 lsd com.xactware.remodel:5:4:1:1:Registering com.xactware.remodel at /private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ default 10:55:32.708440-0700 lsd - 45683955: Checking whether application is managed at file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ default 10:55:32.708492-0700 lsd com.xactware.remodel:5:5:1:1:Building bundle record for app default 10:55:32.709935-0700 lsd com.xactware.remodel:5:5:2:1:Built bundle record for app default 10:55:32.726109-0700 lsd com.xactware.remodel:5:4:2:1:Registered bundle status = success default 10:55:32.726316-0700 lsd com.xactware.remodel:5:4:2:1:Registering com.xactware.remodel default 10:55:32.737651-0700 mobile_installation_proxy com.xactware.remodel:5:1:2:1:_LSInstallationManager install:withError finished default 10:55:32.776523-0700 CommCenter #I Apps installed on the device: com.xactware.remodel default 10:55:32.776798-0700 CommCenter #I Adding default rules on the device for: com.xactware.remodel default 10:55:32.810436-0700 contextstored com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x101631400> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:32.835643-0700 bluetoothd com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x104c4aaf0> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:32.938286-0700 runningboardd com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x13b3352d0> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.044107-0700 pkd com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x100e315f0> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.044222-0700 SpringBoard com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x283abee50> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.045104-0700 SpringBoard -[FBSApplicationLibrary applicationsDidInstall:] com.xactware.remodel default 10:55:33.051090-0700 homed com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x12cc05d00> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.053462-0700 clipserviced com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x100a0e160> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.079847-0700 atc com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x1031f4570> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.081020-0700 nsurlsessiond com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x100e8c080> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.089756-0700 aggregated com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x106708870> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.089987-0700 UserEventAgent com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x10264fd70> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.090095-0700 watchlistd com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x10fe7fdc0> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.091945-0700 nanotimekitcompaniond com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x100635560> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.092952-0700 profiled com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x107e5c610> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.097826-0700 navd com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x111036250> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.098547-0700 CommCenter #I Setting cellular network data usage policy for bundleID: com.xactware.remodel, policy: kAlwaysAllow, changed: true default 10:55:33.103007-0700 SpringBoard com.xactware.remodel:10:10:3:1:Application added default 10:55:33.106484-0700 appstored com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x104535420> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.157761-0700 assistant_service com.xactware.remodel:5:8:3:1:applicationsDidInstall <LSApplicationProxy: 0x109b0b110> com.xactware.remodel file:///private/var/containers/Bundle/Application/4BCF5BB7-3A77-4D94-915A-F65D82680033/ <com.xactware.remodel :0> default 10:55:33.179090-0700 appstored Handling application installation: {bundleID = com.xactware.remodel; version = 2100010100; shortVersion = 1.0; variantID = (null)} default 10:55:33.180680-0700 appstored Ignoring installation for {bundleID = com.xactware.remodel; version = 2100010100; shortVersion = 1.0; variantID = (null)} as it does not appear to support ODR default 10:55:33.328797-0700 SpringBoard [com.xactware.remodel] Application installed using default data provider default 10:55:33.328897-0700 SpringBoard Getting sectionInfos for section identifiers: {( "com.xactware.remodel" )} default 10:55:33.329360-0700 SpringBoard [{( "com.xactware.remodel" )}] Got section infos [ hasResult: 1 ] default 10:55:33.594943-0700 dmd Received xpc stream event (distributed notification matching) with name: user info: { bundleIDs = ( "com.xactware.remodel" ); isPlaceholder = 0; } default 10:55:33.615837-0700 nesessionmanager UUID cache miss for com.xactware.remodel default 10:55:35.172498-0700 nesessionmanager UUID: Found for com.xactware.remodel: ( "52D450F8-6AB4-3478-BB8F-C5FA9D5442D2" )

NathanaelA commented 3 years ago

The logs are a bit confusing and the report is not real clear to me; so lets make this simpler for idiots like me to understand. :D

Ok, if you follow these steps EXACTLY what happens:

  1. Manually Delete app off phone
  2. nuke your platforms/ios folder
  3. tns run ios
  1. ctrl-c (stop tns)
  2. make minor js change, (add a console.log to startup file)
  3. tns run ios

-- Does app stop automatically and start back up? -- Are your changes present?

  1. Make minor js change (change the prior console.log in startup file)

-- Does the app stop automatically and restart back up?

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

Frist set of questions, 1) app does get installed. You can manually open it, but it doesn't syncs. 2) app does NOT start automatically, and the console is not attached to the app.

Second set of questions, 1) app doesn't reload 2) no changes are present. Webpack does detect the changes, but those are NOT reflected in the app.

Last question, 1) the app does not reload automatically.

To reiterate this only happens with a physical device, but there instances when the simulator doesn't work (like bluetooth or AR). Plus I believe is better to test a physical device if possible anyway.

So the issues are: changes are NOT automatically sync in, and logs are not available in the terminal.

The only workaround for the first issue is to manually delete the app, and then execute tns run ios, open app manually. There is no real workaround for the second issue. We're currently using the Xcode console, but that has a river of information that we rarely care about.

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

Another important issue that I forgot to mention is that we cannot debug on a physical device, so any features involving AR, bluetooth, camera, or any hardware related feature is incredible hard to code

jessorlisa commented 3 years ago

Ok, if you follow these steps EXACTLY what happens:

  1. Manually Delete app off phone
  2. nuke your platforms/ios folder
  3. tns run ios
  • Does app get installed?
  • Does app startup for you automatically?

Sometimes "Yes" to both, but just sometimes :confused: In most cases the app only gets installed but never starts and no console is attached.

Project successfully built.
The build result is located at: <...>/platforms/ios/build/Debug-iphoneos/myAppName.ipa
Installing on device 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90...
Successfully installed on device with identifier '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90'.
Restarting application on device 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90...
  1. ctrl-c (stop tns)
  2. make minor js change, (add a console.log to startup file)
  3. tns run ios

-- Does app stop automatically and start back up? -- Are your changes present?

Again sometimes. On other occasions you have to delete the app first. No pattern.

  1. Make minor js change (change the prior console.log in startup file)

-- Does the app stop automatically and restart back up?


Maybe important: I always run the app with the --no-hmr flag :grey_exclamation:

About using ns run ios --no-hmr --log trace: Let's assume the initial clean run succeeds, a minor js change causes the following log, no app restart occurs:

File change detected. Starting incremental webpack compilation...
Message from webpack File change detected. Starting incremental webpack compilation...
Hash: 19c788a85c3fbe33e723
Version: webpack 4.44.2
Time: 2010ms
Built at: 12/14/2020 11:29:36 AM
                                              Asset       Size                                            Chunks             Chunk Names
                                               4.js    130 KiB                                                 4  [emitted]  
                                assets/i18n/de.json   22.2 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                                assets/i18n/en.json   20.4 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                                assets/i18n/es.json   22.8 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                                assets/i18n/fr.json   20.7 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                                assets/i18n/it.json   20.8 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                                assets/i18n/ja.json   22.4 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                                assets/i18n/zh.json   20.4 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                                          bundle.js   1.95 MiB                                            bundle  [emitted]  bundle
                            fonts/fa-brands-400.ttf    131 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                           fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf   33.3 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
                             fonts/fa-solid-900.ttf    204 KiB                                                    [emitted]  
tns_modules/@nativescript/core/inspector_modules.js  797 bytes  tns_modules/@nativescript/core/inspector_modules  [emitted]  tns_modules/@nativescript/core/inspector_modules
 + 11 hidden assets
Entrypoint bundle = runtime.js vendor.js bundle.js
Entrypoint tns_modules/@nativescript/core/inspector_modules = runtime.js vendor.js tns_modules/@nativescript/core/inspector_modules.js
[../$$_lazy_route_resource lazy recursive] ../$$_lazy_route_resource lazy namespace object 160 bytes {bundle} [built]
[./app.scss] 136 KiB {bundle} [built]
[./app/pages/home/home.common.ts] 735 bytes {4} [built]
[./app/pages/home/home.routes.ts] 175 bytes {4} [built]
    + 788 hidden modules
Webpack compilation complete. Watching for file changes.
Message from webpack Webpack compilation complete.
Webpack build done!
Message from webpack {
  emittedFiles: [
  chunkFiles: [
  hash: '19c788a85c3fbe33e723'
Generated data from webpack message: {
  files: [
  hasOnlyHotUpdateFiles: false,
  hmrData: { hash: '', fallbackFiles: [] },
  platform: 'ios'
Getting applications information for devices with identifiers: 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90
Received multiple results:
  '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90': [
      deviceId: '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90',
      response: [Array]
Result when getting applications information:  [
    "CFBundleIdentifier": "",
    "configuration": ""
    "CFBundleIdentifier": "",
    "configuration": ""
    "CFBundleIdentifier": "",
    "configuration": ""
    "CFBundleIdentifier": "com.tinyspeck.chatlyio",
    "configuration": ""
    "CFBundleIdentifier": "",
    "configuration": ""
Downloading file: Library/Application Support/LiveSync/.nsbuildinfo from application on device with identifier: 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90 to /var/folders/k3/9ldlmzs95sx_xbj1jd7777jc0000gn/T/20201114-13781-1jwcvyz.jxxh.tmp.
Received multiple results:
  '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90': [
      deviceId: '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90',
      response: 'File written successfully!'
Will execute livesync for files:  [
Uploading files:
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/4.js',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/4.js'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/bundle.js',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/bundle.js'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/tns_modules/@nativescript/core/inspector_modules.js',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/tns_modules/@nativescript/core/inspector_modules.js'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/assets/i18n/de.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/i18n/de.json'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/assets/i18n/en.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/i18n/en.json'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/assets/i18n/es.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/i18n/es.json'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/assets/i18n/fr.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/i18n/fr.json'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/assets/i18n/it.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/i18n/it.json'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/assets/i18n/ja.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/i18n/ja.json'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/assets/i18n/zh.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/i18n/zh.json'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/fonts/fa-brands-400.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/fa-brands-400.ttf'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/fa-regular-400.ttf'
    source: '<...>platforms/ios/<...>/app/fonts/fa-solid-900.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/fa-solid-900.ttf'
For application on device with identifier: 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90.
Received multiple results:
  '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90': [
      deviceId: '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90',
      response: 'Successfully uploaded files'
Successfully transferred all files on device 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90.
Restarting application on device 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90...
Stopping application on device with identifier: 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90.
Received multiple results:
  '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90': [
      deviceId: '6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90',
      response: 'Successfully stopped application'
Starting application on device with identifier: 6bf93c03380b213fbc46266a0e293a178125ba90.
farfromrefug commented 3 years ago

Just found out that the error might not only happen on starting the app but also while stopping it. Got stuck here after changing files. I think it is an issue with

Uploading files:
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/bundle.js',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/bundle.js'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/activelook.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/activelook.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/DIN Condensed Bold.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/DIN Condensed Bold.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-Black.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-BlackItalic.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-Bold.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-BoldItalic.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-Italic.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-LightItalic.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-LightItalic.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-Medium.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-MediumItalic.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-Regular.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/assets/glasses.png',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/glasses.png'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/assets/bike_config_imperial.txt',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/bike_config_imperial.txt'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/assets/bike_config_metric.txt',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/bike_config_metric.txt'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/assets/default-layout-binary.txt',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/default-layout-binary.txt'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/assets/multisport_config_imperial.txt',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/multisport_config_imperial.txt'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/assets/multisport_config_metric.txt',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/multisport_config_metric.txt'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/assets/run_config_imperial.txt',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/run_config_imperial.txt'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/assets/run_config_metric.txt',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/assets/run_config_metric.txt'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/i18n/en.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/i18n/en.json'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/i18n/fr.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/i18n/fr.json'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/i18n/pl.json',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/i18n/pl.json'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/fonts/materialdesignicons-webfont.ttf'
    source: '/Volumes/dev/nativescript/ActiveLook/platforms/ios/ActiveLook/app/',
    destination: 'Library/Application Support/LiveSync/app/'
For application on device with identifier: f911ed373b7926e57111c8e5b1352d3c1c4f9667.
Received multiple results:
  f911ed373b7926e57111c8e5b1352d3c1c4f9667: [
      deviceId: 'f911ed373b7926e57111c8e5b1352d3c1c4f9667',
      response: 'Successfully uploaded files'
Successfully transferred all files on device f911ed373b7926e57111c8e5b1352d3c1c4f9667.
Restarting application on device f911ed373b7926e57111c8e5b1352d3c1c4f9667...
Stopping application on device with identifier: f911ed373b7926e57111c8e5b1352d3c1c4f9667.
jessorlisa commented 3 years ago

Any progress here? 🙏

jessorlisa commented 3 years ago

Has anybody found a solution?

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

@jessorlisa what version of iOS are you using in your device? If you have iOS 14+ you will need to update to NS7 and use Xcode12. We're still using NS6, and what I do is switch to Xcode 11 with a simulator for anything that doesn't need a physical device. Then switch to Xcode 12 and my device for the parts of our app that do need a physical device. It's annoying, but we still haven't made the time to upgrade to NS7.

And you can get more than one Xcode version from the Apple Developer Portal, and then switch selected versions using this commnad:

sudo xcode-select -switch <path/to/>
jessorlisa commented 3 years ago

@felixelgato92 Thanks for your input.

Xcode 12.4, {N}7, the iPhone has iOS 14.4.

As described here it sometimes work, sometimes not.

In most cases working with the simulator is sufficient, but some stuff has to be tested on a real device. Very timeconsuming right now :frowning:.

felixelgato92 commented 3 years ago

@jessorlisa yeah I know we're experiencing the same thing. I was hoping that updating {N} would solve that, but it seems like that is not the case. One more thing, what version of tns-ios do you have? Have you tried updating that?

jessorlisa commented 3 years ago

@felixelgato92 Latest v6 (JSC) - updating to the v8 runtime (versions >7) is not an option as we are facing too many other issues with the v8 runtime.

farfromrefug commented 3 years ago

@rigor789 could we mark this as a High priority issue at least? We need to figure this one out. EDIT: i have a feeling it is related to ios-device-lib. Shouldn't we migrate to a maintained lib? maybe ? I know flipper uses another one, need to find which one

VaidasDatenis commented 9 months ago

No progress yet i guess.. 2023/12/15 {N}v8.4.7 iOS: v17 XCode: v15

NathanWalker commented 9 months ago

@VaidasDatenis you can update your cli to latest 8.6+ where the fix is (npm i -g nativescript).

{N}v8.4.7 is what you have.