NativeScript / nx

NativeScript for Nx.
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Dist folder is inside the app itself #39

Open YonatanKra opened 2 years ago

YonatanKra commented 2 years ago

The dist folder should be in line with the Nx dist folder: dist/apps/<my app>

herefishyfish commented 2 years ago

In your workspace.json you need to setup a copyTo rule for your project config. "ios": { "configurations": { "build": { "copyTo": "../../dist/apps/my_app.ipa" } } }

iirc this is setup automatically using xplat.

YonatanKra commented 2 years ago

Thanks. I was unclear. What I mean is, it should be a feature in this package.

NathanWalker commented 2 years ago

That makes sense @YonatanKra we can modify the default to create the build into the root dist/{appname} like other nx outputs.