NativeScript / plugins

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nativescript-onesignal plugin is failing with Java no class found errors #555

Open neshonohma opened 7 months ago

neshonohma commented 7 months ago

I have followed the instruction provided in your documentation to use the plugin but it fails with the following errors: While calling the NSOneSignal.getInstance().init method the error is: Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Lkotlin/jvm/internal/Intrinsics;

While calling the NativeOneSignal object methods the error is: Error: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.onesignal.OneSignal

Is there something that needs to be done besides what's provided in the documentation?

CatchABus commented 7 months ago

@neshonohma This plugin does not belong to NativeScript organization. It seems the author left the default github repo url when he/she created the plugin.

neshonohma commented 7 months ago

@CatchABus No wonder it didn't work, thank you for letting me know. There are a few nativescript plugins but they all are for onesignal 3.x