NativeScript / worker-loader

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Build error #6

Closed erjdriver closed 6 years ago

erjdriver commented 6 years ago

Trying to build my android TS project with web-pack and workers.

Still getting:

`Running full build finished with reading lines with js files Warning: there already is an extend called com.tns.FragmentClass. Warning: The static binding generator will generate extend from:bundle.js implementation Exception in thread "main" File already exists. This may lead to undesired behavior. Please change the name of one of the extended classes. File:C:\Users\MyPC\nativescript\test4b\platforms\android\src\main\java\com\tns\ Class: com.tns.Fragme ntClass at org.nativescript.staticbindinggenerator.Generator.writeBindings( at org.nativescript.staticbindinggenerator.Main.main(

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.`

TNS 3.2 Android 3.2 nativescript-worker-loader.

Included my worker file as

import * as checkVersionWorker from "nativescript-worker-loader!./worker-check-version";

I actually commented out everything on the worker-check-version.ts file.

If I do a platform remove/add cycle.

I get the following error also sometimes...

ERROR in [at-loader] ./app/utils.ts:19:37 TS2307: Cannot find module 'nativescript-worker-loader!./worker-check-version'.