Natixar / natixar-frontend

The static front end of the Natixar SaaS platform
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Categories Graphical Relative Importance Display is Wrong #47

Closed lepeuvedic closed 1 month ago

lepeuvedic commented 1 month ago


In the Dashboard, when browsing categories under the various "scopes" (at last for BEGES and GHG Protocol) the categories are displayed using three components:

  1. The label
  2. A combo made of a kind of progress bar and metric display with unit
  3. A link "Detail" and a right arrow

Almost OK Categories

First Problem: When the Value is Zero, Nothing is Shown

When the value is zero for the category, it's not written explicitly.

Second Problem: When All the Values in a Scope are Zero, All the Bars are Represented Full

When the whole "scope" has no emissions the bars are full and the metrics are still not displayed. Category Display KO

This looks like a normalization issue (division by zero) when the sum of all emissions is zero. It directly points to a third problem:

Third Problem: The Graphical Representation is Local to Each Group of Categories

While this is a design choice, it leads to problem 2, because it's practically impossible even in test scenarios, to have zero emissions across all categories. But with 6 top level categories in BEGESv5, it will be a common occurrence in the future to have nothing in an entire group of categories.

In addition, the UI lacks a comprehensive side by side display of all emissions at category level and the bars should be the UI through which a user can gauge how any category compares to the dominant one (the category with the most emissions, represented by a full bar). It the comparison is only among the few visible categories, it is useful, but redundant information, and we are still lacking a quick way to determine which category of emissions dominates short of memorizing the metric for the category having the highest emissions in each "scope".

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Authenticate and enter the Dashboard using the fake data backend API with only natural gas emissions
  2. Stay in BEGES mode, open "Scope 1" and observe the lack of any value on all the empty bars (all but the first)
  3. Open "Scope 2" and observe all the bars at 100% and still no metric displayed

Desired Behavior

The percentage calculation must compute how much each category emissions are in percentage of the emissions in the category with the highest emissions. The computation must take all the categories into account, not just the ones that are visible. It provides a quick visual feedback in relation to all the emissions currently displayed (after application of filters).

In addition, when a category has no emissions, the metric "0.0 kgCO2eq" or some localized alternate text like "No emissions in this category", must be displayed.