Natizyskunk / vscode-sftp

Super fast sftp/ftp extension for VS Code
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Issue with getting /cvs/ folder to show up in remote explorer #430

Closed smuey closed 7 months ago

smuey commented 9 months ago

Do you read the FAQ?

Describe the bug I'm currently working on a project that revolves around working with curriculum vitaes, cv's. That project has several folders and files with /cvs in their names. Folders do not show up in the remote explorer, making working on this project difficult at best. I have set the editor's configuration to display those folders (and the local explorer does so well), but the sftp-plugin does not seem to play nice with those preferences and I can't find a way to display them in the settings.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Create a remote project and create a folder in that project called /cvs/
  2. Create a sftp config file and connect to the project
  3. Notice the missing folder in the remote explorer

Expected behavior A way of getting folders containing /cvs/ in their name to actually show up in the remote explorer

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Extension Logs from Startup - required [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Cancel All Transfer" from "./commandCancelAllTransfer.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Config" from "./commandConfig.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "List Active Folder" from "./commandListActiveFolder.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Open Ssh Connection" from "./commandOpenSshConnection.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Set Profile" from "./commandSetProfile.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Toggle Output Panel" from "./commandToggleOutputPanel.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Changed Files" from "./commandUploadChangedFiles.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Create File" from "./fileCommandCreateFile.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Create Folder" from "./fileCommandCreateFolder.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Delete Remote" from "./fileCommandDeleteRemote.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Diff" from "./fileCommandDiff.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Diff Active File" from "./fileCommandDiffActiveFile.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Download" from "./fileCommandDownload.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Download Active File" from "./fileCommandDownloadActiveFile.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Download Active Folder" from "./fileCommandDownloadActiveFolder.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Download File" from "./fileCommandDownloadFile.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Download Folder" from "./fileCommandDownloadFolder.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Download Force" from "./fileCommandDownloadForce.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Download Project" from "./fileCommandDownloadProject.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Edit In Local" from "./fileCommandEditInLocal.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "List" from "./fileCommandList.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "List All" from "./fileCommandListAll.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Reveal In Explorer" from "./fileCommandRevealInExplorer.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Reveal In Remote Explorer" from "./fileCommandRevealInRemoteExplorer.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Sync Both Directions" from "./fileCommandSyncBothDirections.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Sync Local To Remote" from "./fileCommandSyncLocalToRemote.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Sync Remote To Local" from "./fileCommandSyncRemoteToLocal.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload" from "./fileCommandUpload.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Active File" from "./fileCommandUploadActiveFile.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Active Folder" from "./fileCommandUploadActiveFolder.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload File" from "./fileCommandUploadFile.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Folder" from "./fileCommandUploadFolder.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Force" from "./fileCommandUploadForce.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Project" from "./fileCommandUploadProject.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Active File To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadActiveFileToAllProfiles.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Active Folder To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadActiveFolderToAllProfiles.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload File To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadFileToAllProfiles.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Folder To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadFolderToAllProfiles.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Force To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadForceToAllProfiles.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload Project To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadProjectToAllProfiles.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [debug] register command "Upload To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadToAllProfiles.ts" [09-26 13:56:52] [info] config at d:\Dev\Enroutebv {"remotePath":"/","uploadOnSave":true,"useTempFile":false,"openSsh":false,"downloadOnOpen":false,"ignore":[],"concurrency":4,"protocol":"ftp","connectTimeout":10000,"interactiveAuth":false,"secure":false,"remoteTimeOffsetInHours":0,"remoteExplorer":{"order":0},"name":"Enroutebv","host":"","port":21,"username":"**","password":"**"} [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] < '220 ProFTPD Server (ProFTPD) []\r\n' [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] > USER enrmichael [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] < '331 Password required for enrmichael\r\n' [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] > PASS ** [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] < '230 User enrmichael logged in\r\n' [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] > FEAT [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] > TYPE I [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] < '200 Type set to I\r\n' [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] > PASV [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] < '227 Entering Passive Mode (95,170,74,26,254,160).\r\n' [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] > LIST / [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] < '150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list\r\n' [09-26 13:57:29] [debug] < '226 Transfer complete\r\n' [09-26 13:57:33] [debug] > PASV [09-26 13:57:33] [debug] < '227 Entering Passive Mode (95,170,74,26,222,159).\r\n' [09-26 13:57:33] [debug] > LIST /portaltest [09-26 13:57:33] [debug] < '150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list\r\n' [09-26 13:57:33] [debug] < '226 Transfer complete\r\n' [09-26 13:57:35] [debug] > PASV [09-26 13:57:35] [debug] < '227 Entering Passive Mode (95,170,74,26,244,27).\r\n' [09-26 13:57:35] [debug] > LIST /portaltest/pages [09-26 13:57:35] [debug] < '150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for file list\r\n' [09-26 13:57:35] [debug] < '226 Transfer complete\r\n' [09-26 13:57:45] [debug] > NOOP

Natizyskunk commented 8 months ago

I'm not able to reproduce your error. On my end everything shows correctly.

The remote explorer should show all folders and files on your server if you use the default configuration. There's no condition that should hide some folders with specific string in their name.