Natizyskunk / vscode-sftp

Super fast sftp/ftp extension for VS Code
392 stars 75 forks source link

Bug: spaces, lines and anything typed if I Don't type it really fast will be erased when enabling sftp. #432

Open aveat opened 1 year ago

aveat commented 1 year ago

Do you read the FAQ?

[ x] Yes. I am going to read now. Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

To Reproduce

just installed, configured and used it, nothing special.

Expected behavior its not at error per se, but a behavior, it should just let you write what you want, this bug autoerase all lines, spaces or will cut and add ";" at the cut spot like if going to write "public function motocicle;" if i press enter to write newline, will erase it and take me back to past line, then if i press enter and quickly write someting that doesnt make sense like "ssdgfvfd" will stay, but if i write like "function moto" then stop or erase it or put the " ; " but in anycase its so annoying. i have been using other text editor to write then paste everything to vsc. wich is really annoying, and slow, and just not good. or i could just disable sftp, but why!? i have tried to turn off all auto save or auto anything, but nothing works, maybe i have no turn it off the right one?

Screenshots sorry it would have to be a video, if you want tell me and i record it and upload it.


OS: [Windows] VSCode Version [1.82.2] Extension Version [v1.16.3] Extension Logs from Startup - required [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Cancel All Transfer" from "./commandCancelAllTransfer.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Config" from "./commandConfig.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "List Active Folder" from "./commandListActiveFolder.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Open Ssh Connection" from "./commandOpenSshConnection.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Set Profile" from "./commandSetProfile.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Toggle Output Panel" from "./commandToggleOutputPanel.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Changed Files" from "./commandUploadChangedFiles.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Create File" from "./fileCommandCreateFile.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Create Folder" from "./fileCommandCreateFolder.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Delete Remote" from "./fileCommandDeleteRemote.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Diff" from "./fileCommandDiff.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Diff Active File" from "./fileCommandDiffActiveFile.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Download" from "./fileCommandDownload.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Download Active File" from "./fileCommandDownloadActiveFile.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Download Active Folder" from "./fileCommandDownloadActiveFolder.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Download File" from "./fileCommandDownloadFile.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Download Folder" from "./fileCommandDownloadFolder.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Download Force" from "./fileCommandDownloadForce.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Download Project" from "./fileCommandDownloadProject.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Edit In Local" from "./fileCommandEditInLocal.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "List" from "./fileCommandList.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "List All" from "./fileCommandListAll.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Reveal In Explorer" from "./fileCommandRevealInExplorer.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Reveal In Remote Explorer" from "./fileCommandRevealInRemoteExplorer.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Sync Both Directions" from "./fileCommandSyncBothDirections.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Sync Local To Remote" from "./fileCommandSyncLocalToRemote.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Sync Remote To Local" from "./fileCommandSyncRemoteToLocal.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload" from "./fileCommandUpload.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Active File" from "./fileCommandUploadActiveFile.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Active Folder" from "./fileCommandUploadActiveFolder.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload File" from "./fileCommandUploadFile.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Folder" from "./fileCommandUploadFolder.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Force" from "./fileCommandUploadForce.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Project" from "./fileCommandUploadProject.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Active File To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadActiveFileToAllProfiles.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Active Folder To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadActiveFolderToAllProfiles.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload File To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadFileToAllProfiles.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Folder To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadFolderToAllProfiles.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Force To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadForceToAllProfiles.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload Project To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadProjectToAllProfiles.ts" [09-28 14:50:40] [debug] register command "Upload To All Profiles" from "./fileMultiCommandUploadToAllProfiles.ts" [09-28 14:50:45] [info] config at c:\xampp\htdocs\Pt123 {"remotePath":"/public_html","uploadOnSave":true,"useTempFile":false,"openSsh":false,"downloadOnOpen":false,"ignore":[],"concurrency":4,"protocol":"ftp","connectTimeout":10000,"interactiveAuth":false,"secure":false,"remoteTimeOffsetInHours":0,"remoteExplorer":{"order":0},"name":"servionline","host":"","port":21,"username":"","password":"","watcher":{"files":"*/","autoUpload":false,"autoDelete":false}} (NO LOGS WHEN BUG HAPPENS)