Natizyskunk / vscode-sftp

Super fast sftp/ftp extension for VS Code
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How do I upload content inside a project sub folder? #469

Open yehudaTiram opened 4 months ago

yehudaTiram commented 4 months ago

In vuepress project i have a dist folder that needs to be uploaded to the production site. The dev files structure is: vuepress-starter - src - .vuepress - dist where dist is the build of the project. I want sftp to upload only the content of the dist folder to the server without creating its local files structure.

In the FAQ "How do I upload content inside a folder, but not the folder itself?" you provide a configuration example, but that does not work somehow. I set my sftp profile as: { "name": "docs", "ignore": [ ".vscode", ".DS_Store", "__debug_bin", ".exe", ".git", ".gitignore", ".history", "config.json", "private", "node_modules", ".psd" ], "profiles": { "one": { "name": "docs", "host": "", "protocol": "ftp", "port": 21, "username": "xxxxx", "password": "xxxxxxxx", "remotePath": "/", "context": "./vuepress-starter/src/.vuepress/dist/", "watcher": { "files": "*.{js,html,css,json,ico,png,jpg,web,svg}", "autoUpload": true, "autoDelete": false }, "uploadOnSave": true, "printDebugLog": true } } } But this profile settings always creates the full folder structure in the remote host. Any idea about this issue? Thanks.

MatiasMunk commented 4 days ago

I also want to know this, bump!