NatroTeam / NatroMacro

A Bee Swarm Simulator macro for Windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
884 stars 85 forks source link

Auto Mythic Meteor Shower #420

Open Someone890 opened 1 month ago

Someone890 commented 1 month ago

Have you searched the existing suggestions?


What is your suggestion?

Hi, i want to make a suggestion about a feature i want to be added and that will benefit Natro Macro Users, this feature will really help.

How will this improve Natro Macro?

Because u can get a lot of items like, star jellys mythic eggs, etc. This will really help beginner player as they will get alot of items that can help them along the way.

What is your Discord username?


ninjubaer commented 1 month ago

Hi @Someone890 Thank you for reaching out to us with your suggestion! We've recently had a lot of suggestions about auto meteor shower so you can probably expect that in a future update! If you have more suggestions/ideas feel free to create another suggestion or ping me in the natro macro discord server

regards ninju