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Open-source video compositing software. Node-graph based. Similar in functionalities to Adobe After Effects and Nuke by The Foundry.
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Fix build with python3.6 #812

Closed mara004 closed 1 year ago

mara004 commented 2 years ago

My python3-config doesn't know the --embed option, causing all python-related build variables to be invalid, making #include <Python.h> fail. It looks like this option is only present since python 3.8: Perhaps it would be possible to selectively add --embed for python >= 3.8?

The error messages were rather cryptic so it took me quite some time to track this down. Would be nice if something could be done about it on behalf of other users who might run into the same problem.

devernay commented 2 years ago

This option is necessary for Python >= 3.8, and Python 3.6 is officially EOL, so it would be nice to propose a change that doesn't break more recent python versions

mara004 commented 2 years ago

Yes, this was rather meant as an issue report with attached diff than an actual Pull Request. I know Python 3.6 is officially EOL, but openSUSE are still shipping it with their recently released Leap 15.4, so it would be nice if something could be done nonetheless to pass this option selectively depending on used Python version. Unfortunately I don't know anything about the build system, so I'm not in a position to implement this myself.