Natsiopoulos / ARDL

ARDL, ECM and Bounds-Test for Cointegration
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issue with the EC paramaterization #1

Closed profkenm closed 4 years ago

profkenm commented 4 years ago


I am very interested in using your ARDL package, however, I am having a problem with it. I must be missing something. I ask kindly please for your assistance.

When I replicate an ardl model from your ARDL package in Stata, the results are the same in both. However, when I replicate the same model in error correction form, the results are different. In particular, although the model fit, intercept, and error correction terms are the same in both, the long-run and short-run coefficients are different.

Consider the following ardl, run in R and, separately, in Stata. Paramaterized as an ardl, the results are identical.

In R:

> data(denmark)

ardl_3132 <- ardl(LRM ~ LRY + IBO + IDE, data = denmark, order = c(3,1,3,2)) summary(ardl_3132)

Time series regression with "zooreg" data: Start = 1974 Q4, End = 1987 Q3

Call: dynlm::dynlm(formula = full_formula, data = data, start = start, end = end)

Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.029939 -0.008856 -0.002562 0.008190 0.072577

Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.6202 0.5678 4.615 0.00004187 * L(LRM, 1) 0.3192 0.1367 2.336 0.024735
L(LRM, 2) 0.5326 0.1324 4.024 0.000255
L(LRM, 3) -0.2687 0.1021 -2.631 0.012143 *
LRY 0.6728 0.1312 5.129 0.00000832 L(LRY, 1) -0.2574 0.1472 -1.749 0.088146 .
IBO -1.0785 0.3217 -3.353 0.001790
L(IBO, 1) -0.1062 0.5858 -0.181 0.857081
L(IBO, 2) 0.2877 0.5691 0.505 0.616067
L(IBO, 3) -0.9947 0.3925 -2.534 0.015401

IDE 0.1255 0.5545 0.226 0.822161
L(IDE, 1) -0.3280 0.7213 -0.455 0.651847
L(IDE, 2) 1.4079 0.5520 2.550 0.014803 *

Signif. codes: 0 ‘’ 0.001 ‘’ 0.01 ‘’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.0191 on 39 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.988, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9843 F-statistic: 266.8 on 12 and 39 DF, p-value: < 0.00000000000000022

In Stata:

. ardl LRM LRY IBO IDE , lags(3,1,3,2)

ARDL(3,1,3,2) regression

Sample: 4 - 55 Number of obs = 52 F( 12, 39) = 266.82 Prob > F = 0.0000 R-squared = 0.9880 Adj R-squared = 0.9843 Log likelihood = 139.51294 Root MSE = 0.0191

     LRM |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- LRM L1. .3192077 .1366567 2.34 0.025 .0427934 .5956219 L2. .5326063 .132361 4.02 0.000 .2648809 .8003317 L3. -.2686663 .1021345 -2.63 0.012 -.4752529 -.0620798
--. .6727993 .1311638 5.13 0.000 .4074955 .938103
L1. -.2574193 .1471752 -1.75 0.088 -.5551092 .0402706
--. -1.078518 .3217011 -3.35 0.002 -1.72922 -.4278161
L1. -.1061973 .5857973 -0.18 0.857 -1.291084 1.07869
L2. .2876689 .5691013 0.51 0.616 -.8634472 1.438785
L3. -.9946781 .3925147 -2.53 0.015 -1.788614 -.2007421
--. .1254643 .5544522 0.23 0.822 -.9960211 1.24695
L1. -.3279847 .7213227 -0.45 0.652 -1.786998 1.131028
L2. 1.407857 .5520352 2.55 0.015 .2912608 2.524454
_cons 2.620192 .5677679 4.61 0.000 1.471773 3.768611

However, when using the error correction parameterization of the same model, the model fit is the same in both, and the intercept is the same in both, and the adjustment parameter is the same in both, but the long-run coefficients and short-run coefficients are very different.

EC in R

uecm_3132 <- uecm(ardl_3132, case = 3) summary(uecm_3132)

Time series regression with "zooreg" data: Start = 1974 Q4, End = 1987 Q3

Call: dynlm::dynlm(formula = full_formula, data = data, start = start, end = end)

Residuals: Min 1Q Median 3Q Max -0.029939 -0.008856 -0.002562 0.008190 0.072577

Coefficients: Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 2.62019 0.56777 4.615 0.00004187 L(LRM, 1) -0.41685 0.09166 -4.548 0.00005154 L(LRY, 1) 0.41538 0.11761 3.532 0.00108 ** L(IBO, 1) -1.89172 0.39111 -4.837 0.00002093 * L(IDE, 1) 1.20534 0.44690 2.697 0.01028
d(L(LRM, 1)) -0.26394 0.10192 -2.590 0.01343

d(L(LRM, 2)) 0.26867 0.10213 2.631 0.01214
d(LRY) 0.67280 0.13116 5.129 0.00000832
d(IBO) -1.07852 0.32170 -3.353 0.00179 * d(L(IBO, 1)) 0.70701 0.46874 1.508 0.13953
d(L(IBO, 2)) 0.99468 0.39251 2.534 0.01540

d(IDE) 0.12546 0.55445 0.226 0.82216
d(L(IDE, 1)) -1.40786 0.55204 -2.550 0.01480 *

Signif. codes: 0 ‘’ 0.001 ‘’ 0.01 ‘’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1

Residual standard error: 0.0191 on 39 degrees of freedom Multiple R-squared: 0.7458, Adjusted R-squared: 0.6676 F-statistic: 9.537 on 12 and 39 DF, p-value: 0.00000003001

EC in Stata

. ardl LRM LRY IBO IDE , lags(3,1,3,2) ec

ARDL(3,1,3,2) regression

Sample: 4 - 55 Number of obs = 52 R-squared = 0.7458 Adj R-squared = 0.6676 Log likelihood = 139.51294 Root MSE = 0.0191

   D.LRM |      Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>|t|     [95% Conf. Interval]
-------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- ADJ LRM L1. -.4168524 .0916574 -4.55 0.000 -.6022471 -.2314577 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- LR LRY .9964676 .123931 8.04 0.000 .7457935 1.247142 IBO -4.538116 .5202961 -8.72 0.000 -5.590514 -3.485718 IDE 2.89152 .9950853 2.91 0.006 .8787701 4.90427 -------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- SR LRM LD. -.2639399 .1019171 -2.59 0.013 -.4700868 -.0577931 L2D. .2686663 .1021345 2.63 0.012 .0620798 .4752529
D1. .2574193 .1471752 1.75 0.088 -.0402706 .5551092
D1. .8132065 .4838924 1.68 0.101 -.1655583 1.791971
LD. .7070092 .4687392 1.51 0.140 -.2411053 1.655124
L2D. .9946781 .3925147 2.53 0.015 .2007421 1.788614
D1. -1.079873 .565982 -1.91 0.064 -2.224679 .064934
LD. -1.407857 .5520352 -2.55 0.015 -2.524454 -.2912608
   _cons |   2.620192   .5677679     4.61   0.000     1.471773    3.768611

People in my field have been using the stata version. Any comments or suggestions about what is going on here would be warmly appreciated.

Thank you, and thanks for the ARDL package.


Natsiopoulos commented 4 years ago

Hi Ken,

Thank you very much for your interest in the ARDL package and the detailed question. I am sorry in advance for the long answer, I just want to be as clear as possible.

In a nutshell:

What I mean: The same (almost) variable names appear in the Stata and in the R results. The fact that the variables that appear in the EC model are very similar to those in the Stata results (except that in Stata the independent variables appear in levels and not with one lag) makes the user believe that these are the regression results.

We can make sure that the results of the ARDL package are the correct ones if we simply calculate the regression straight ahead. We can extract the model structure as shown below (following your codes): > uecm_3132$full_formula d(LRM) ~ L(LRM, 1) + L(LRY, 1) + L(IBO, 1) + L(IDE, 1) + d(L(LRM, 1)) + d(L(LRM, 2)) + d(LRY) + d(IBO) + d(L(IBO, 1)) + d(L(IBO, 2)) + d(IDE) + d(L(IDE, 1))

And then simply copy and paste it and run the regression: > library(dynlm) > uecm_lm <- dynlm(d(LRM) ~ L(LRM, 1) + L(LRY, 1) + L(IBO, 1) + L(IDE, 1) + d(L(LRM, 1)) + d(L(LRM, 2)) + d(LRY) + d(IBO) + d(L(IBO, 1)) + d(L(IBO, 2)) + d(IDE) + d(L(IDE, 1)), data=denmark)

Now we can check and be sure that the EC model from the ARDL package is the right one: > identical(summary(uecm_3132)$coef, summary(uecm_lm)$coef) [1] TRUE

About the Stata results, I don't know the underlying logic of the algorithm, but from what I see I conclude the followings:

term estimate std.error t.statistic p.value
1 (Intercept) 6.2856579 0.7719160 8.142930 6.107445e-10
2 LRY 0.9964676 0.1239310 8.040503 8.358472e-10
3 IBO -4.5381160 0.5202961 -8.722180 1.058619e-10
4 IDE 2.8915201 0.9950853 2.905801 6.009239e-03

I hope my answer was not too confusing. Thank you once again for your interest, I hope you find the package helpful and intuitive. I would be glad to receive some feedback or suggestions about the package.



profkenm commented 4 years ago

Thank you Kleanthis for your thorough explanation. Much appreciated.
