NaturalGIS / naturalgis_ntv2_transformations

A plugin for the QGIS Processing toolbox to allow users do Datum transformations with NTv2 grids
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Error while outputting to temp layer #54

Open gioman opened 1 year ago

gioman commented 1 year ago

On QGIS 3.28, if outputting to temp layer (output field blank) it returns:

Saída do comando GDAL:
ERROR 4: sqlite3_open(C:/Users/giovanni/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_kaBdWZ/e496cf6c6b8246a4bcb075dd12332e3b/OUTPUT.gpkg) failed: unable to open database file 
ERROR 1: GPKG driver failed to create C:/Users/giovanni/AppData/Local/Temp/processing_kaBdWZ/e496cf6c6b8246a4bcb075dd12332e3b/OUTPUT.gpkg
O processo devolveu o código de erro 1