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Support for other nomenclatural codes (was: Add Support for Plant Cultivar Names) #4317

Closed informatics-dev closed 9 years ago

informatics-dev commented 11 years ago


Is it possible to put cultivar names into the plant classification list?

informatics-dev commented 11 years ago

Comment by Laurence Livermore

There is a separate code for this "International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants" which would need to be considered by the Support Team.

We have had other requests while conducting workshops (notably eMonocot ones).

Adding support for this may broaden the potential audience of Scratchpads.

informatics-dev commented 11 years ago

Comment by Genlin Jiao

for the time-being, I had used single quotation marks to indicate the cultivar names.

informatics-dev commented 11 years ago

Comment by Dimitrios Koureas

We should consider adding the following options when classifying a biological classification:

We should also rename the options Animal, Algae/fungi/plants to ICZN and ICN. This will:

informatics-dev commented 11 years ago

Comment by Dimitrios Koureas

After further discussion the following changes are suggested to be made to the types of biological classifications:

The added type should clone the current Algae/Fungi/Plants profile until we make the necessary changes to it to conform with the Code.

informatics-dev commented 11 years ago

Comment by Simon Rycroft

We should make all of these changes at once, rather than confusing the users with meaningless options. Please make a list of the changes required for each of the codes.

informatics-dev commented 11 years ago

Comment by Dimitrios Koureas

A new specification file will be created for nomenclatural annotation of taxonomies under the ICZN, ICN and ICNCP codes. This will be ready by the end of August 2013

informatics-dev commented 9 years ago

Comment by Simon Rycroft

I look forward to August 2013!