NaturalIntelligence / imglab

To speedup and simplify image labeling/ annotation process with multiple supported formats.
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how to export attribute info? #141

Closed ruyiwei-cas closed 5 years ago

ruyiwei-cas commented 5 years ago

Tell us what feature you're looking for and how it can help you and others in general.

amitguptagwl commented 5 years ago

Can you please explain your question for better understanding? Imglab is the tool to annotate images and export data in the format supported by other object recognizers. Some of them may support to have attributes. You can't extract the attribute only information.

ruyiwei-cas commented 5 years ago

I see that imglab can label attribute information, but when I use mini or other data formats, I cannot export the attribute information I have labeled, such as gender, age, etc. What I want to ask is, how can I export the attribute information I have labeled?thank you @amitguptagwl

amitguptagwl commented 5 years ago

@ruyiweicas when you say 'mini', I believe you wanna say 'nimn'. Nimn is the data format we're using to save project data. It contains all the detail including labels, attributes, category etc. When you talk about other formats, as I previously said, it depends on the format if they support to have additional detail. Eg if you export data in dlib pts format then it doesn't support attributes. So the attributes information will not be exported.

amitguptagwl commented 5 years ago

Please reopen this issue, if you still have the question.

Partha2k commented 5 years ago

What if I want attributes data in PASCAL VOC format? Can those attributes data be pushed into that?

amitguptagwl commented 5 years ago

it should be if supported by the format specified. Can you please share the expected and actual exported VOC file?

beckstev commented 5 years ago

Hi @amitguptagwl,

I am currently trying to save the attribute feature of imglab to a .json file or find a way to convert .nimn to .json. Do you have any suggestions?

Please see my example:

Here I wanna label the speed limit sig, which limits the max speed to 50 a.u.. As you can see, I created an attribute called limit with the value 50.

imglab What did I do so far:

I saved the .nimn file and tried to open it with vim. The file does include the following lines:

»geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung.jpg¼¶geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung.jpg²²¶1280³851´»¶SvgjsRect1028³speed_limit³speed_limit³rect»909³289³90³72¹¶90³72¸¸954³325³909³90³289³72´»¶limit¸´¹²²´¹´¹ How can we convert it to .json? I already have tried to use this online converter.

My system:

amitguptagwl commented 5 years ago

As I remember, imglab lets you save the project file in json/nimn both formats. However, in case if you don't find then open browser console and export the value of labellingData variable.