Please specify here what you're planning to achieve by this pull request and how it can help in regard of this work-space.
I have added a cookie alert to the website that is displayed to the user.
Please mention the issue number, if exists.
Please mention the type of PR
[ ] Bug Fix
[ ] Refactoring / Technology upgrade
[x] New Feature
[ ] Documentation
[ ] Other : | Please Specify |
Note : Please ensure that you've read contribution guidelines before raising this PR.
Displays a cookie alert to the user.
Purpose / Goal
Please specify here what you're planning to achieve by this pull request and how it can help in regard of this work-space. I have added a cookie alert to the website that is displayed to the user.
Please mention the issue number, if exists.
Please mention the type of PR
Note : Please ensure that you've read contribution guidelines before raising this PR.