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New Referral Design UI Issues - Desktop #3

Open Navdeepqa opened 1 day ago

Navdeepqa commented 1 day ago

Figma link:-

Navdeepqa commented 1 day ago

Hi @Rajnishsharma01 @suruchideve Plz check below for UI Issues:-

1."add patient" word is missing in Title Proof: Figma:

2.For offline HP's, select button is not displayed as per figma Proof: figma:

3.Do we need sorting as in figma? Proof: Figma:

4.Fill up word is missing in Heading Proof: figma:

5.should this title be "clinical notes" or "consult notes"? Proof: figma:

6.Pfone number field does not display country code as in figma in pathology request Form Proof: Figma:

7.Box is not displayed for signature in pathology Form Proof: figma:

8.All fields are not aligned in the pathology Form Proof: figma:

9.should patient signature be a input field in pathology form? Proof: Figma:

10.Close button is not displayed Proof: Figma:

11.Cross icon is not given for select MP window Proof: figma:

12.Layout(border) of DD box list is not as per figma on sent page Proof: figma:

13.Content in Drop-Down box list in not left aligned as per figma on sent page Proof: figma:

14.Tick mark is not displayed for selected option in DD box list of sent page Proof: Figma:

15.should "sent" word be displayed as it is not in figma Proof: figma:

16.Image icon is displayed very big when clicked on HP detail for sent referral list on sent Page Proof: Figma:

17.Text ib not displayed properly for DD field when Clicked on HP detal for referral list on sent Page Proof: FIgma:

18.Edit draft word is not displayed as in Figma Proof: Fima:

19.Load more button should be in center as in FIgma for Inbox, Sent, draft pages Proof: figma:

20.Text is not properly displayed in DD field when clicked oh HP detail for edit draft referral listt on draft Page Proof: Figma:

21.Edit draft word is not displayed as in FIgma Proof: figma:

22.Content in dd box list in not left aligned as per Figma on draft page Proof: figma:

23.Tick mark is not displayed for selected option in DD box list of Draft page Proof: Figma:

24.COntent in dd box list in not left alligned as per figma on inbox page Proof: figma:

25.Tick mark is not displayed for selected option in DD box list of Inbox page Proof: Figma:

26.In deletion confirmation window, icon and message should be center aligned Proof:

27.Confirmation and reason for deletion windows are overlapping Proof:

Navdeepqa commented 1 day ago

28.Heading is not displayed in figma, do we need to display? Proof: figma:

29.Dropdown border layout for sex field is not like other DD Boxes Proof:

30.Dropdown border layout for state field is not like other DD Boxes Proof:

31.Image icon is displayed very big when clicked on HP detail for sent referral list on draft Page Proof:

32.Image icon is displayed very big when clicked on HP detail for sent referral list on Inbox Page Proof:

33.”By" word i s not displayed in DD field in filter when clicked on any HP detail for referral list on inbox, sent, draft Pages Proof: FIgma:

34.Image of HP is not displayed in HP's detail page in sent, inbox, draft Pages Proof:

Suggestion 1.this field should be shifted to left Proof:

Rajnishsharma01 commented 10 hours ago

@Navdeepqa 1.add button added on right side 2.Done 3.Removed by SL 4.Heading changed by robin 5.changed to "consult notes" 6.done 8.label break on second line on medium screen(figma created on 1920px screen resolution) 10.done 11.done 12.done 13.done 14.done 16.done 17.figma design created on 1920px screen resolution when the input/select value is larger than input field the overflow text we are showing as ... 18.text remove as discussed with SL 20.figma design created on 1920px screen resolution when the input/select value is larger than input field the overflow text we are showing as ... 21.removed as discussed with SL 22.done 23.done 24.done 25.done 26.done 27.done

Rajnishsharma01 commented 4 hours ago

@Navdeepqa 7.only signature image will came. 9.Done(Robin asked to add input field instead of button) 15.Done(removed sent text) 19.Done 28.Msg is required 29.Done 30.Done 31.Done 32.Done 33.Done 34.functionality issue Suggestion 1.Done

Navdeepqa commented 2 hours ago

@Rajnishsharma01 Old Issues:- 1.As per Dev comment 2.NotDone but now tick mark is not displayed as for online Hp Proof: 3.As per Dev comment 4.As per Dev comment 5.Done 6.Done 7.As per Dev comment 8.As per Dev comment 9.As per Dev comment 10.Done 11.Done 12.Done 13.Done 14.Done 15.Done 16.Done 17.As per Dev comment 18.As per Dev comment 19.Done 20.As per Dev comment 21.As per Dev comment 22.Done 23.Done 24.Done 25.Done 26.Done 27.Not Done, Now only reson for the deletion window is displayed, confirmation window is not displayed Proof: 28.As per Dev comment 29.Done 30.Done 31.Done 32.Done 33.Done 34.As per Dev comment

Suggestion 1.Not done

New UI Issue 35.Border layout for the Marital status DD box and gender DD ox is not like other DD boxed on add patient window Proof: