NavidK0 / Carbon

Carbon is a Spigot plugin which turns a spigot protocol hacked server (on 1.7.10) into a 1.8 server.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
35 stars 19 forks source link

[Feature Request] Have /Carbon show the Build Number #70

Closed SequaciousGAMES closed 10 years ago

SequaciousGAMES commented 10 years ago

Yeah this is a small one but the title basically says it all. It would be very useful if /carbon showed the build number as well as all the information it already does.

There's also an issue when I use new builds in which a new config (or new options aren't added to the config) until I delete the previous one.

Wombosvideo commented 10 years ago

<< 1st Part: Good Idea, already thought about this too. I'm gonna code this shortly...

unicxa commented 10 years ago

also Wom can you add the contributors to the /carbon command My offical name i go by is sickray34s

Wombosvideo commented 10 years ago

of course, @unicxa

Wombosvideo commented 10 years ago

Does #71 add both of your requests? Or did I misunderstand something?

Edit: I just saw that @InfinityAspire maybe meant the Jenkins Build number. It should be almost impossible to automaticly get this autoupdated. It should've been done every time you change something and upload it to jenkins... kinda annoying

Jikoo commented 10 years ago

@Wombosvideo It can be done in the build script, but I don't remember how.

NavidK0 commented 10 years ago

Not possible to show the Jenkins build number without somehow connecting to the website. Version number has been added.