Navideck / universal_ble

A cross-platform Android/iOS/macOS/Windows/Linux/Web Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) plugin for Flutter
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Adding universal_ble to pubspec.yaml results in "Nuget.exe not found" error/warning #26

Closed BikeBr0 closed 1 month ago

BikeBr0 commented 1 month ago

I'm not sure if this is a problem, but when I add universal_ble as a dependency to pubspec.yaml (without actually using the plugin) in my simple hello_world app and run the app through VS Code, I see:

Launching lib\main.dart on Windows in debug mode...
Nuget.exe not found, trying to download or use cached version.

This occurs when running in release mode too:

C:\Users\me.person\workspace\hello_world>flutter run -d windows --release
Launching lib\main.dart on Windows in release mode...
Nuget.exe not found, trying to download or use cached version.
Building Windows application... 

I'm not sure if this is causing a runtime problem.

fotiDim commented 1 month ago

I am pretty sure that it does not cause any runtime issues. I don't have nuget installed on my system and everything works fine. I have verified that with multiple computers. I am not sure if the plugin can suppress this warning somehow or if it just dependent on the development environment.

BikeBr0 commented 1 month ago

Sounds good @fotiDim. It's mainly worrisome since it prints out in red:


fotiDim commented 1 month ago

This is how other plugins are handling it.

fotiDim commented 1 month ago

This is fixed in the latest release so closing.

BikeBr0 commented 1 month ago

This does seem to be resolved @fotiDim . However, the console seems extra quiet now. I'm accustomed to seeing more output while the application is being built. Now, the first output is from log statements in my own application code.

fotiDim commented 1 month ago

@BikeBr0 the only thing we removed was this line. No other logs were removed. There are other logs that will print if something goes wrong.