Navideck / universal_ble

A cross-platform Android/iOS/macOS/Windows/Linux/Web Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) plugin for Flutter
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Update readme and improve logs #28

Closed rohitsangwan01 closed 1 month ago

rohitsangwan01 commented 1 month ago


enhancement, documentation


Changes walkthrough

Relevant files
Simplify Bluetooth Scan Filter                                                     

  • Commented out ManufacturerDataFilter usage in the Bluetooth scan
  • +6/-12   
    Improve ScanFilter Validation and Logging                               

  • Added a log warning when ScanFilter is null or withServices is empty
    during a scan on the web.
  • +7/-0     
    Silence Missing Nuget.exe Warning                                               

  • Commented out the message for missing Nuget.exe, opting for silent
  • +1/-1     
    Update README with Improved Scanning Instructions and Scan Filters
  • Added instructions on ensuring Bluetooth availability before scanning.
  • Simplified the example for adding a scan filter.
  • Added a new section on Scan Filters, explaining withServices and
  • Removed outdated web-specific instructions for scanning.
  • +27/-15 

    โœจ PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    codiumai-pr-agent[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Description updated to latest commit (

    codiumai-pr-agent[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Review

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 2, because the changes are straightforward and mainly involve commenting out code, adding log warnings, and updating documentation. The complexity and size of the changes are minimal, making it easier to review.
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests No
    ๐Ÿ” Possible issues Logging Level: The addition of a warning log in `universal_ble_web.dart` uses `isError: true` for a recommendation message. Consider if this should indeed be logged as an error or if a lower severity level would be more appropriate.
    Commented Code: The code related to `ManufacturerDataFilter` in `home.dart` has been commented out rather than removed. If this code is no longer needed, it might be cleaner to remove it entirely to avoid clutter.
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns No

    โœจ Review tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `review` tool scans the PR code changes, and generates a PR review. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on any PR. When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the review tool (`pr_reviewer` section), use the following template: ``` /review --pr_reviewer.some_config1=... --pr_reviewer.some_config2=... ``` With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_reviewer] some_config1=... some_config2=... ```
    Utilizing extra instructions
    The `review` tool can be configured with extra instructions, which can be used to guide the model to a feedback tailored to the needs of your project. Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify the relevant sub-tool, and the relevant aspects of the PR that you want to emphasize. Examples for extra instructions: ``` [pr_reviewer] # /review # extra_instructions=""" In the 'possible issues' section, emphasize the following: - Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases? - Is the code logic clear and easy to understand? - Is the code logic efficient? ... """ ``` Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.
    How to enable\disable automation
    - When you first install PR-Agent app, the [default mode]( for the `review` tool is: ``` pr_commands = ["/review", ...] ``` meaning the `review` tool will run automatically on every PR, with the default configuration. Edit this field to enable/disable the tool, or to change the used configurations
    The `review` tool can auto-generate two specific types of labels for a PR: - a `possible security issue` label, that detects possible [security issues]( (`enable_review_labels_security` flag) - a `Review effort [1-5]: x` label, where x is the estimated effort to review the PR (`enable_review_labels_effort` flag)
    Extra sub-tools
    The `review` tool provides a collection of possible feedbacks about a PR. It is recommended to review the [possible options](, and choose the ones relevant for your use case. Some of the feature that are disabled by default are quite useful, and should be considered for enabling. For example: `require_score_review`, `require_soc2_ticket`, `require_can_be_split_review`, and more.
    Auto-approve PRs
    By invoking: ``` /review auto_approve ``` The tool will automatically approve the PR, and add a comment with the approval. To ensure safety, the auto-approval feature is disabled by default. To enable auto-approval, you need to actively set in a pre-defined configuration file the following: ``` [pr_reviewer] enable_auto_approval = true ``` (this specific flag cannot be set with a command line argument, only in the configuration file, committed to the repository) You can also enable auto-approval only if the PR meets certain requirements, such as that the `estimated_review_effort` is equal or below a certain threshold, by adjusting the flag: ``` [pr_reviewer] maximal_review_effort = 5 ```
    More PR-Agent commands
    > To invoke the PR-Agent, add a comment using one of the following commands: > - **/review**: Request a review of your Pull Request. > - **/describe**: Update the PR title and description based on the contents of the PR. > - **/improve [--extended]**: Suggest code improvements. Extended mode provides a higher quality feedback. > - **/ask \**: Ask a question about the PR. > - **/update_changelog**: Update the changelog based on the PR's contents. > - **/add_docs** ๐Ÿ’Ž: Generate docstring for new components introduced in the PR. > - **/generate_labels** ๐Ÿ’Ž: Generate labels for the PR based on the PR's contents. > - **/analyze** ๐Ÿ’Ž: Automatically analyzes the PR, and presents changes walkthrough for each component. >See the [tools guide]( for more details. >To list the possible configuration parameters, add a **/config** comment.
    See the [review usage]( page for a comprehensive guide on using this tool.
    codiumai-pr-agent[bot] commented 1 month ago

    PR Code Suggestions

    Suggest adding a TODO comment or removing commented-out code for clarity. ___ **It seems like the ManufacturerDataFilter was commented out. If this was intentional for
    disabling the filter temporarily, consider adding a TODO comment to clarify the intention
    or remove it if it's no longer needed. Keeping large blocks of commented code can make the
    codebase harder to read and maintain.** [example/lib/home/home.dart [78-83]]( ```diff +// TODO: Re-evaluate the need for this ManufacturerDataFilter and remove if not needed // ManufacturerDataFilter( // companyIdentifier: 0x012D, // data: Uint8List.fromList( // [0x03, 0x00, 0x64, 0x00], // ), // ), ```
    Suggest throwing an exception for critical conditions in startScan. ___ **Consider throwing an exception or returning early from startScan when scanFilter is null
    or scanFilter.withServices is empty, especially if this condition is critical for the
    operation on the web. Logging an error without stopping execution might lead to unintended
    behavior or hard-to-debug issues later.** [lib/src/universal_ble_web/universal_ble_web.dart [114-118]]( ```diff if (scanFilter == null || scanFilter.withServices.isEmpty) { - UniversalBlePlatform.logInfo( - "It is recommended to use ScanFilter.withServices on the web to ensure the specified services can be used after connecting", - isError: true, - ); + throw ArgumentError("ScanFilter.withServices must not be null or empty on the web."); } ```
    Suggest using a message function for real-time feedback instead of a comment. ___ **The comment added before attempting to download or use a cached version of nuget.exe is
    helpful for understanding the process. However, it might be more informative to maintain
    the original message function call instead of converting it to a comment. This way, the
    message is logged during the CMake process, providing real-time feedback to the developer.** [windows/CMakeLists.txt [19]]( ```diff -# message("Nuget.exe not found, trying to download or use cached version.") +message("Nuget.exe not found, trying to download or use cached version.") ```
    Suggest adding a specific service filter example in the README. ___ **The updated README removes specific withServices filter example in the
    UniversalBle.startScan method call. It's beneficial to include an example with a specific
    service filter to guide users on how to use the API effectively, especially for new
    developers.** [ [67-68]]( ```diff UniversalBle.startScan( - scanFilter: ScanFilter() + scanFilter: ScanFilter( + withServices: ["SERVICE_UUID"], + ) ); ```
    Suggest reintroducing the Web-specific configurations section in the README. ___ **The section on Web-specific configurations has been removed from the README. Given the
    importance of web platform nuances for Bluetooth operations, it might be useful to
    reintroduce this section with updated information if there have been changes to how the
    web platform should be handled.** [ [242-244]]( ```diff +### Web +On web, you have to add filters and specify optional services when scanning for devices. The parameter is ignored on other platforms. + +```dart +UniversalBle.startScan( + webRequestOptions: WebRequestOptionsBuilder.acceptAllDevices( + optionalServices: ["SERVICE_UUID"], + ), +); ``` ```

    โœจ Improve tool usage guide:
    **Overview:** The `improve` tool scans the PR code changes, and automatically generates suggestions for improving the PR code. The tool can be triggered [automatically]( every time a new PR is opened, or can be invoked manually by commenting on a PR. When commenting, to edit [configurations]( related to the improve tool (`pr_code_suggestions` section), use the following template: ``` /improve --pr_code_suggestions.some_config1=... --pr_code_suggestions.some_config2=... ``` With a [configuration file](, use the following template: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] some_config1=... some_config2=... ```
    Enabling\disabling automation
    When you first install the app, the [default mode]( for the improve tool is: ``` pr_commands = ["/improve --pr_code_suggestions.summarize=true", ...] ``` meaning the `improve` tool will run automatically on every PR, with summarization enabled. Delete this line to disable the tool from running automatically.
    Utilizing extra instructions
    Extra instructions are very important for the `improve` tool, since they enable to guide the model to suggestions that are more relevant to the specific needs of the project. Be specific, clear, and concise in the instructions. With extra instructions, you are the prompter. Specify relevant aspects that you want the model to focus on. Examples for extra instructions: ``` [pr_code_suggestions] # /improve # extra_instructions=""" Emphasize the following aspects: - Does the code logic cover relevant edge cases? - Is the code logic clear and easy to understand? - Is the code logic efficient? ... """ ``` Use triple quotes to write multi-line instructions. Use bullet points to make the instructions more readable.
    A note on code suggestions quality
    - While the current AI for code is getting better and better (GPT-4), it's not flawless. Not all the suggestions will be perfect, and a user should not accept all of them automatically. - Suggestions are not meant to be simplistic. Instead, they aim to give deep feedback and raise questions, ideas and thoughts to the user, who can then use his judgment, experience, and understanding of the code base. - Recommended to use the 'extra_instructions' field to guide the model to suggestions that are more relevant to the specific needs of the project, or use the [custom suggestions :gem:]( tool - With large PRs, best quality will be obtained by using 'improve --extended' mode.
    More PR-Agent commands
    > To invoke the PR-Agent, add a comment using one of the following commands: > - **/review**: Request a review of your Pull Request. > - **/describe**: Update the PR title and description based on the contents of the PR. > - **/improve [--extended]**: Suggest code improvements. Extended mode provides a higher quality feedback. > - **/ask \**: Ask a question about the PR. > - **/update_changelog**: Update the changelog based on the PR's contents. > - **/add_docs** ๐Ÿ’Ž: Generate docstring for new components introduced in the PR. > - **/generate_labels** ๐Ÿ’Ž: Generate labels for the PR based on the PR's contents. > - **/analyze** ๐Ÿ’Ž: Automatically analyzes the PR, and presents changes walkthrough for each component. >See the [tools guide]( for more details. >To list the possible configuration parameters, add a **/config** comment.
    See the [improve usage]( page for a more comprehensive guide on using this tool.