Naxesss / MapsetVerifier

A modding tool for osu!
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Program always says backend error when trying to load a map #27

Closed ffrunk closed 1 year ago

ffrunk commented 1 year ago

image image No idea what this means, I tried restarting computer & program but it didn't work (Win10) It never loads the map, infinite load

iAimFoxZ commented 1 year ago

i'm getting the same problem

ffrunk commented 1 year ago

with naxess help i got it fixed, it was a crypto miner called salad interfering with mapset verifier, close it if you are having this exact problem before running mv :)

Naxesss commented 1 year ago

In case anyone else has a similar problem, you can check what's taking the port MV wants like this on windows: netstat -ano | findstr :5000 (Lists processes taking port 5000. From this you can see their PIDs on the right) tasklist | findstr <PID> (This tells you what the process with that PID is called) taskkill /PID <PID> /F (This kills the process with the given PID)