first of all, thank you for the really great game engine. trying to use it my own project.
I was building the demo project for html5, android, iOS and received the issues on building android project.
[x] pattern definition on assets load can't be compiled.
[x] Vector2g issue by using generic type
Error: /usr/local/Cellar/nvm/0.33.8/versions/node/v9.3.0/lib/node_modules/gecko2d/Sources/gecko/math/Vector2g.hx:3: lines 3-78 : Warning : Type gecko.math.Vector2g.T is being cast to the unrelated type Float
/usr/local/Cellar/nvm/0.33.8/versions/node/v9.3.0/lib/node_modules/gecko2d/Sources/gecko/math/Vector2g.hx:3: lines 3-78 : Warning : Type gecko.math.Vector2g.T is being cast to the unrelated type Float
[x] delete getPool method, it's inline static function that can't be inherited in java classes. as result it required to be deleted to make the target android platform works again. Probably it would be enough for debug purposes to leave __pool__ instance.
Hi @Nazariglez
first of all, thank you for the really great game engine. trying to use it my own project.
I was building the demo project for html5, android, iOS and received the issues on building android project.
issue by using generic typegetPool
method, it's inline static function that can't be inherited in java classes. as result it required to be deleted to make the target android platform works again. Probably it would be enough for debug purposes to leave__pool__