Nazariglez / notan

Cross-platform multimedia layer
Apache License 2.0
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Let's talk about the future of Notan - Looking for maintainers #277

Closed Nazariglez closed 8 months ago

Nazariglez commented 12 months ago

Hello awesome people! I want to talk a little about the future of Notan.

Let's start by sharing that I am looking for maintainers. Notan v10 is about to be ready. There are some issues open yet to be solved (#276, #273, #267, #249), but I do think they are not a big deal (at least I hope so).

Why am I looking for maintainers?

In recent months, I've noticed that my free time to dedicate to Notan has drastically decreased. I've reached a point where I find it hard to justify spending my limited spare time on the project, especially when it currently doesn't provide me any rewards nor meet the objectives I initially set for it.

These objectives were mainly two:

I believe Notan is in a very good state for use, and I myself am using it to develop a game that I hope will land on Steam at some point. However, there are certain challenges within the project that need substantial improvement. I must admit, some of these issues have been particularly persistent and draining to address:

Improving all these aspects requires time - not just time to develop solutions, but time to experiment and think of good solutions that align with Rust and the project. Because, yes... sometimes Rust can be a pain, forcing us to rethink and refactor a large portion of a project, and this can be exhausting... And I would like to focus on making games or more productive projects than just consuming all my spare time supporting features I do not really use.

I'm currently looking for maintainers to help improve Notan, as my time has been limited. I appreciate your understanding and hope to see the project grow and evolve even as my role changes.

In recent weeks, I've been experimenting with a more modular structure where various elements like windows, graphics, sounds, etc., can be injected as plugins. While Notan already supports this, the backend still expects windows and input to be available. The result of these experiments is a considerable change in the API and approach, necessitating further adjustments across all systems (windows, inputs, graphics, etc.). I acknowledge that this level of overhaul is something I'm not ready to commit to at this time. Moreover, I anticipate that such a radical transformation, essentially making it a new project, might not sit well with the community.

I'd like the project to continue. I know there are people who appreciate Notan's approach and projects that use it as a base. I am really grateful for the community we've built, and the awesome users Notan has. That's why I'm seeking new maintainers to help the project continue.

Please accept my apologies in advance - this post is a bit of a "thinking out loud" moment. I'd like to discuss this with the community, hear your opinions, and see if anyone wants to step forward. Thank you!

riverfr0zen commented 12 months ago

Thanks for all your work so far on Notan, it is much appreciated. Totally understandable where you're coming from, and I hope that the shift in focus will allow you to pursue your main goals more effectively.

Couple of things:

  1. Will you still be using Notan as a base for your coming game work, or do you think your directions will be too divergent? I guess the underlying question is whether you think changes will trickle into Notan eventually from your work, or if that's not an expectation.

  2. I think a list of items or examples of the kinds of things you're looking for help with from potential maintainers will be helpful. Maybe even a sort of "mini-vision" of how you'd like to see things moving forward. People are often willing to help but may not step up because they don't know if they are up to it, or what is necessary.

(Also, I get that this is a time of transition for you, so do take your time with these. Just putting the thoughts out there for consideration as you have the occasion).

Nazariglez commented 8 months ago

Hello! Sorry for taking some time to answer here.

Let me try to give some context. My main issue with notan right now has nothing to do with notan itself but with me. Sometimes I only see the bad side of my project and I feel the urge to fix it, and if I have no time then I get frustrated. I feel a bit burned out because it's hard to achieve goals in this crazy world that we have where we have day jobs, side projects, etc...

However, notan is right in the best state ever, it's stable, useful, and kind of battle-tested. So, i think this is good enough for now?

I have been playing a little bit with different techs and experimenting with patterns and wgpu, etc... Just having some fun. And I think I have something in the oven that can work as backend for notan that will resolve (at least):

This was my playground: And the idea is to migrate to notan everything that makes sense while keeping the notan's API the same (kind of), or at least avoiding big changes.

I am keeping a few weeks (probably a month or so) away from side projects that require coding because I want to recharge my batteries. And I hope to come back to start working on the new backend before the end of the year.

I'm going to close this issue because I believe it gives the wrong impression that the project is abandoned.

Thank you so much!

woelper commented 8 months ago

Let me just say a very big thank you for all your work. For me, notan is the best Rust "Multimedia" or general purpose engine available. Apart from updating dependencies like egui from time to time (which also others can do, and I hope I will find time to contribute) it is damn near perfect.

I too probably work too much on side projects, and I understand the challenge of doing so. Some people might call open source contributors like you crazy for working for free on side projects like notan - with a day job, friends and family at the side. Why put up with so much stress? I hope you know that some people really value your work, admire the quality of it and it ends up making a lot of people happier, be it direct or indirect users. I think it is worth it, but please take care and try to find a balance that works for you.