Nazariglez / notan

Cross-platform multimedia layer
Apache License 2.0
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Blurry text / low-dpi egui since v0.12.0 #315

Closed woelper closed 4 weeks ago

woelper commented 4 months ago

Since v.0.12.0 the egui UI / text has become blurry. This can be reproduced by running cargo run --example egui_basic --features egui on the different releases and comparing the output.

Left is v.0.12.0, right is v.0.11.0.


Maybe related to #313?

Downstream issue in Oculante is here.

mantasarm commented 4 months ago

Having the same issue. For me it is even worse - the text is basically unreadable. I did however found a work around that fixes the problem. Setting the egui pixel density to the dpi. ctx.set_pixels_per_point(app.window().dpi() as f32);

Nazariglez commented 4 months ago

Hey, thanks for the report! I'll take a look, probably something changed in the egui end and I did not see it when I did the update.

Maybe related to

I think this is not related but I am not sure yet.