NeBula-Autonomy / LOCUS

Robust Lidar Odometry System
MIT License
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No reaction when running test dataset #55

Closed linwk20 closed 1 year ago

linwk20 commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for sharing this great work! I have been trying run the demo using dataset C of husky. However, It just stuck. I found something weird in rviz: image

I followed the instruction's data structure as printed below:

├── C_Husky4_Urban_Alpha1 │ ├── fiducial_calibration_husky4.yaml │ ├── h4_a1_gt_map.pcd │ ├── h4_a1_gt_map.ply │ ├── husky4_sensors.yaml │ ├── locus_test_01 │ │ ├── delay.txt │ │ ├── │ │ ├── │ │ ├── rate.txt │ │ ├── │ │ ├── │ │ └── │ ├── odometry.bag │ └── rosbag │ ├── husky4_lidar_2020-02-21-15-04-16_0.bag │ ├── imu.bag │ └── odometry.bag

However, the odometry topic seems to be empty when I run rostopic echo, I am now trying fix it, do you have any idea? Thanks!

linwk20 commented 1 year ago

need to add source {path_to_catkin_ws}/devel/setup.bash to ~/.bashrc