NeVeSpl / NTypewriter

File/code generator using Scriban text templates populated with C# code metadata from Roslyn API.
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Action.Url does not support array-valued parameters #116

Open Ackhuman opened 1 month ago

Ackhuman commented 1 month ago

I have an API method with the following signature:

IEnumerable<DataSeries> GetDashboardChart(string stateAbbr, [FromUri]string[] varNames)

The URL GetDashboardChart?stateAbbr=&varNames=VAR1&varNames=VAR2 should result in a valid query to this method. However, there is no support for this in Action.Url. I have written a custom function to handle this case:

    public static string GetArrayQueryParams(IMethod method)
        var arrayParameters = new List<string>();
        foreach (var parameter in method.Parameters)
            if (parameter.Type.IsCollection && !parameter.HasAttribute("FromBody"))
                arrayParameters.Add($"${{{parameter.Name}.map(item => `{parameter.Name}=${{item}}`).join('&')}}");
        return arrayParameters.Any() ? $"&{string.Join("&", arrayParameters)}" : string.Empty;

Which results in the following TypeScript:

&${ => `varNames=${item}`).join('&')}

This works, but it would be better if this were built-in functionality.

NeVeSpl commented 1 month ago

Fell free to prepare PR with that functionality, just remember to include appropriate tests to it.