Nealium / django-plus.vim

:guitar: Improvements to the handling of Django related files in Vim
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Exclude Quickfix #3

Open Nealium opened 1 year ago

Nealium commented 1 year ago

Fixes conflict specifically with vim-qf's QuickFix functions. QuickFix, in general, should be skipped with this function Issue could effect other Plugins in similar situations, but this commit only solves QuickFix.


How to recreate


Error detected while processing FileType Autocommands for "*"..function <SNR>7_LoadFTPlugin

With tinkering, using :make, the error message [below] also shows up

Error detected while processig QuickFixCmdPost Autocommands for "make"..function qf#OpenQuickfix[17]..fileFileType Autocommands for "*"..function <SNR>6_LoadFTPlugin:
Line: 3:
E184: No such user-defined command: Filter


# :help undo_ftplugin 
When the user does ":setfiletype xyz" the effect of the previous filetype
should be undone.

When setting the filetype of QuickFix to qf again, it undoes all vim-qf's functions which causes vim-qf to crash. Seeing most Plugins are designed to define functions one time, Django-Plus should avoid inadvertently removing them; especially with QuickFix which is a special case

Notes of behavior

function! djangoplus#detect#filetype(filename) abort

  " Passed with: djangoplus#detect#filetype(expand('<afile>:p')
  echom 'filename ' . a:filename

  " expanded inside the function
  echom 'expand path ' . expand('%:p')

  " filetype Output 
  echom 'filetype &l ' . &l:filetype

  " ... more stuff

1) Opening
filename            /path/to/project/app1/
expand path         /path/to/project/app1/
filetype &l         
2) Opening QuickFix
filename            /path/to/project/quickfix
expand path         
filetype &l         qf


This illustrates why the original empty(a:filename) isn't catching the QuickFix.

Nealium commented 1 year ago

2 Potential fixes:

1. In the Pull: ed42a84b4cbc067416d816233589cb4750aab734

2. In A Branch: dcaf7efce555471303b3b18fbfaef088c8d29a1c

I think 2 would probably be the way to go, but I'm not sure if it'll have any weird side effect.

(The goal is to merge all these branches into a single one that I can use, but also have the separate for any potential pull)