Neamar / KISS

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Support Chinese Pinyin Acronyms Search #1452

Open ivysrono opened 4 years ago

ivysrono commented 4 years ago

The same feature from App Dialer Pro, which does't open source.

For example: Trime.

We can get it by trime or twsrf on AppDialerPro, while twsrf is the acronyms of 同文输入法's pinyin: tong wen shu ru fa.

We have to type 同文输入法 to get it on KISS now.

There are some dialer apps support Chinese pinyin acronyms: MoKee/android_packages_apps_Dialer

oasisfeng/android-smartdial-chinese: Xposed moduel to provide smart dialing with T9 Pinyin in AOSP dialer app


TBog commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you mean.

KISS is a small app and including a big library is not desired, I think trime is big.

ivysrono commented 4 years ago

Oh, I don't want KISS include Trime too, it's just one example. Another example: Material Files's Chinese name is 文件, full pinyin is wen jian. I want to type wj in KISS to get the result, that's APPDialerPro's feature.

Neamar commented 4 years ago

Potentially related:

I'm not against this in theory, provided it can be implemented in a clean way, and someone is willing to help maintain it. Also, it would have to add minimal weight to the app -- let's say fit in 100 lines of code or so?

I don't speak Chinese and wouldn't be able to contribute here.

I'll mark as "help wanted", if no one is able / willing to help within a couple months I'll close :\

ivysrono commented 2 years ago

Emerald Dialer support this feature now:

ivysrono commented 2 years ago