Neanka / DialogueMenu

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Dialogue box sometimes non-responsive (examples below) #4

Open vanguardascendant opened 5 years ago

vanguardascendant commented 5 years ago

I really enjoy this mod, but I think I've discovered a bug in it. I apologize if this has already been reported. There are times when I enter into a dialogue in which I'm unable to select any options. I've tried clicking on the options, using the number pad, arrow keys, etc. It's like it just refuses to accept a response. I'm still able to break dialogue and walk away, but the problem persists if I re-enter dialogue with that particular NPC. I've only run into this problem 3 times. Each time, I entered a new world space and immediately an NPC entered dialogue with me. For example, when I first entered Good Neighbor and the thug NPC tries to talk to the player. Another example is when I'm in Libertalia and enter the final room right before Gabriel. X6-88 immediately entered dialogue with the player to discuss Gabriel's secret. And then a third example is immediately after that, when the player goes to the top level of Libertalia with Gabriel, and Gabriel immediately enters dialogue with the NPC. When I uninstalled this mod, this problem stopped occurring. It's the only problem I've ever had with this mod. It also makes me sad because I love the dialogue cues from this mod.

dtrail commented 5 years ago

This sometimes happens to me as well, and I couldn't find anything about it yet. I think it can be reproduced. For example, when you trade with someone and a dialogue follows after you close the trading screen (like when you talk to the robot bar keeper in the third rail for the first time. He will offer you a job, when you buy something). Then you'll be stuck in the dialogue selection, not being able to pick an answer. Usually my workaround is to simply leave the conversation using the mouse and look away, walk some steps and then when i come back, I can pick an answer finally. But in this particular case I just cannot get it to work.

Arkhorse commented 3 years ago

If you want to force this to happen, use SS2. There are two points early in its quests that force it. One when you first meet the stranger, one when you get the box of ASAM's

mangomango commented 2 years ago

It always happens when the dialog starts as soon as you enter the interior. An example would be "Special Delivery" vanilla quest when Edward Deegan speaks to you the moment you enter Cabbot's house.

If you save and load the game at this point, it works.

enderandrew commented 2 years ago

I see in the comments for Penn's Woods quest mod that this breaks dialogue complete in that mod, which takes place in a new worldspace, so that may be related.