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Implementation of common patterns used for NEAR smart contracts.
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docs(Upgradable): code removal after deplyoment #88

Closed mooori closed 1 year ago

mooori commented 1 year ago

Makes it more explicit how staged code can be removed after it was deployed. Mentions the benefit of freeing storage.

Related to this issue and its comment.

mooori commented 1 year ago

How much gas does it actually cost to remove an entry from storage? If it is not much then maybe this argument about saving gas is not as relevant.

The cost of storage_remove grows with the size of the value that is removed due to StorageRemoveRetValueByte. Its cost is somewhere between the cost of StorageReadValueByte and StoragWriteValueByte. I assume that justifies the gas saving arguments and not deleting the code automatically.

Should we recommend that developers ensure upgrades are always idempotent

I guess there could be use cases that need a migration function which is not idempotent. For instance if new state is required to depend on the time of migration or on some external value that changes in time. Mentioning the risks of stale code and repeatedly applied upgrades are sufficient warnings, I think.

Should we recommend if users want to atomically update and remove then they could submit a batch transaction that does both?

Since up_deploy_code returns a promise, combining it with other function calls in a batch transaction can have interesting outcomes. I’ve added a test to demonstrate that (3094276) and updated docs (774147b).

I think the scope of this PR can remain docs, since the new test is kind of a doc test or demo. Though it has to be in near-plugins-derive/tests since it requires the test infrastructure.