Neargye / hello_tf_c_api

Neural Network TensorFlow C API
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Create Tensor of strings (vector<char*>) with C API #15

Open LeeDark opened 5 years ago

LeeDark commented 5 years ago

How to create Tensor of strings? Maybe somebody did this task, but I found just for creating Tensor of single string: How to create a string type tensor in tensorflow C api? “Hello TensorFlow!” using the C API

Neargye commented 5 years ago

I will fix api soon, to support string tensor. Could you help me test this?

LeeDark commented 5 years ago

@Neargye I had wrote some code for creating Tensor of strings.

        // std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > batch_tokens
        // just create flat vector of strings
        std::vector<std::string> flat_batch_tokens = FlattenVector(batch_tokens);
        // we have matrix batch_size x max_length
    const std::vector<std::int64_t> flat_batch_tokens_dims = { batch_size, max_length };

        // get length of all tokens (strings)
    std::size_t flat_batch_tokens_len = 0;
    for (const auto& token : flat_batch_tokens) {
        flat_batch_tokens_len += TF_StringEncodedSize(token.size());

        // add offsets length
    std::size_t flat_batch_tokens_offset_len = (batch_size * max_length) * 8;

        // prepare buffer for tokens data
    auto flat_batch_tokens_data = static_cast<char*>(std::malloc(flat_batch_tokens_offset_len + flat_batch_tokens_len));
    memset(flat_batch_tokens_data, 0, flat_batch_tokens_offset_len + flat_batch_tokens_len);

        // prepare pointer for tokens offsets
    std::uint64_t* offset_uint64_data = reinterpret_cast<std::uint64_t*>(flat_batch_tokens_data);

    std::uint64_t tokens_offset = flat_batch_tokens_offset_len;
    TF_Status* encode_status = TF_NewStatus();
    int it = 0;
        // encode every token and add its offset to offset_uint64_data
    for (const auto& token : flat_batch_tokens) {
        size_t encoded_size = TF_StringEncodedSize(token.size());

        TF_StringEncode(token.c_str(), token.size(), flat_batch_tokens_data + tokens_offset, encoded_size, encode_status); // fills the rest of tensor data

        //std::cout << token << " (" << token.size() << ") " << tokens_offset << " => " << (flat_batch_tokens_data + tokens_offset) << " (" << encoded_size << ")" << std::endl;
        offset_uint64_data[it] = (tokens_offset - flat_batch_tokens_offset_len);

        if (TF_GetCode(encode_status) != TF_OK) {
            std::cout << "ERROR: something wrong with encoding: " << TF_Message(encode_status) << std::endl;
            return false;

        tokens_offset += encoded_size;


    TF_Tensor* tokens_tensor = TF_NewTensor(TF_STRING,, static_cast<int>(flat_batch_tokens_dims.size()),
        flat_batch_tokens_data, flat_batch_tokens_offset_len + flat_batch_tokens_len,
        DeallocateTensor, nullptr);

    // check tensor: can be removed
    if (tokens_tensor == nullptr) {
        std::cout << "Wrong creat tensor" << std::endl;
        return false;
    if (TF_TensorType(tokens_tensor) != TF_STRING) {
        std::cout << "Wrong tensor type" << std::endl;
        return false;
    if (TF_NumDims(tokens_tensor) != static_cast<int>(flat_batch_tokens_dims.size())) {
        std::cout << "Wrong number of dimensions" << std::endl;
        return false;
    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < flat_batch_tokens_dims.size(); ++i) {
        if (TF_Dim(tokens_tensor, static_cast<int>(i)) != flat_batch_tokens_dims[i]) {
            std::cout << "Wrong dimension size for dim: " << i << std::endl;
            return false;
    if (TF_TensorByteSize(tokens_tensor) != flat_batch_tokens_offset_len + flat_batch_tokens_len) {
        std::cout << "Wrong tensor byte size" << std::endl;
        return false;
    const auto tokens_tensor_data = static_cast<char*>(TF_TensorData(tokens_tensor));
    if (tokens_tensor_data == nullptr) {
        std::cout << "Wrong data tensor" << std::endl;
        return false;

    // checking tensor strings: can be removed
    // TF_STRING tensors require copying since Tensor class expects a sequence of string objects.
    const std::int64_t num_elements = batch_size * max_length;
    const std::size_t src_size = TF_TensorByteSize(tokens_tensor);
    if (static_cast<std::int64_t>(src_size / sizeof(std::uint64_t)) < num_elements) {
        std::cout << "Malformed TF_STRING tensor; too short to hold number of elements" << std::endl;
        return false;
    const char* data_start = tokens_tensor_data + sizeof(std::uint64_t) * num_elements;
    const char* limit = tokens_tensor_data + src_size;
    TF_Status* decode_status = TF_NewStatus();
    for (std::int64_t i = 0; i < num_elements; ++i) {
        std::uint64_t offset = reinterpret_cast<const std::uint64_t*>(tokens_tensor_data)[i];
        if (static_cast<ptrdiff_t>(offset) >= (limit - data_start)) {
            std::cout << "Malformed TF_STRING tensor; element " << i << " out of range" << std::endl;
            return false;

        size_t len;
        const char* p;
        const char* srcp = data_start + offset;
        TF_StringDecode(srcp, limit - srcp, &p, &len, decode_status);
        if (TF_GetCode(decode_status) != TF_OK) {
            std::cout << "ERROR: something wrong with decoding: " << TF_Message(decode_status) << std::endl;
            return false;

        std::string p_string(p, p + len);
        std::cout << "p " << i << " == " << p_string << " len = " << len << std::endl;


    std::cout << "Success create tokens_tensor" << std::endl;

This code consists of two parts: create tensor of strings and check it with decoding.